
I’m trying to get funding to do a shot-for-shot remake of Groundhog Day where the only difference is that the alarm clock plays “Plush” by Stone Temple Pilots every morning.
True: Tom Bodett was asked by the producers to be the voice on the radio Bill Murray hears every morning. Not sure if it was supposed to be just him or a Motel 6 commercial. Nonetheless, he decided that it would be a bad career move to be the voice you hear in, essentially, hell.
If I remember correctly, one of the radio DJs was the late Richard Henzel who I knew mostly from his work with the Shakespeare Project—a group of Chicago-area equity actors who put on a series of staged readings of all of Shakespeare’s plays. He was a standout from the cast.
A bunch of Chicago actors appear in the movie, as you'd expect, as it was filmed in Woodstock IL by a Chicago guy. Including this guy:
Wait a minute, is that Michael Shannon? Does that mean Shea Whigham’s in there somewhere too?
It is Michael Shannon! I don't know who Shea Whigham is!
He’s the guy who’s in (almost) everything that Michael Shannon is in who kind of looks like him (in the way that all white guys look alike). They were both in Boardwalk Empire, The Quarry, Take Shelter, and I think another four projects at least. Shea Whigham was Steve Buscemi’s brother in Boardwalk
If I’ve done this right, this should be a list of all their collaborations
My brother was trying to become an actor while living in Chicago. Had no luck. His roommate was one of the cops who stopped the car with the groundhog behind the wheel.