
One of the very disorienting aspects of our current moment is that a very smart man like can sound like a fire-breathing radical as he simply tells the truth.
The Supreme Court Puts Trump Above the And gives him permission for a despotic second term.
This is the truth. The only thing I can add is that Trump and his supporters claim all this as a divine right - that he was sent by God for this purpose. It's really quite remarkable given the origins of the American Revolution.
In a society based on and ruled by lies, telling the truth IS a radical act.
It wouldn't be as alarming if you didn't realize the only reason they ruled this way now is because they're planning to steal the election for him later.
I’m still trying to work how we got here. Again. Or are all you playing a joke on me and I’ll waken any moment?
Yet the pundits on CNN keep saying - it's not that bad.
I haven't seen anybody say that, but I guess I missed it.
Every time I happen to flip over to CNN I hear that said. Abby Phillip had at least 2 people on last night who also said we are over reacting. Tried to find video but haven't found it yet.