
This is getting ridiculous - how can Farage constantly get airtime with no one pointing out to him & viewers the Brexit he championed has by almost every economic & financial measure been disastrous for the UK? If that outrages you as much me RT this widely
UK news shows refusing to point out to Farage the disastrous consequences of Brexit is
Media is addicted to the outrage and clicks reporting about these parasites generate. Trump, Le Pen, the AfD nazis, Brexiteers… The totally and utterly fail their task to defend democracy and check those taking part in political public life.
and, incredibly to me, especially here, seem entirely oblivious to the looming leopards about to eat their collective face if they get what they seem to want and install Oranga Julius Caesar for another round, now with unfettered powers, no guard rails, less impulse control and on a revenge rampage.
I would stake him out on the burning desert sand with approaching soldier ant column until he can cite one positive benefit of Brexit for the British people.
Two thirds of all Labour constituents accounted for leaving. Tony Benn was also a clear advocate for leaving. And as far as financial aspects of the UK, well that is up to the current government in power and how they wish to govern. You can lead a horse to water .....
How many of those still think it was a good idea? People can be fooled into making a mistake once but when the consequences have hurt them so badly someone would have to be a real idiot to think Brexit can be defended. Someone as utterly stupid as Keir Starmer for example.
sunk cost fallacy is real.
the malevolent clown fascist in waiting sucking up billions in free air time and everyone else's soul while real stories the public should know languish indefinitely? I CANNOT IMAGINE HOW THAT WOULD LOOK -laughcries in USA-
Nevermind the Tory media? What about that spineless idiot Starmer? Why would we vote for someone so utterly stupid he is repeating the lie he can make Brexit work?
Simple, Peter. Both Labour and Tories are run by GUTLESS PUKES who still refuse to acknowledge there's a problem, and so STILL can't challenge Brexit on the merits because they're GUTLESS WANKERS. UK is more poorly led than Hamas and Likud, They at least draw lines they won't cross, right or wrong.
Sigh…look at us in the States.
Because that would mean admitting it was disastrous, something they can never do.