PF Anderson

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PF Anderson

EmTech, disability, comics, EBHC, moderate, ♫, crafts, food, GF/CF, PTSD, ASD, LongCovid, POTS, MCAS, enby, budo. RPs≠endorsement. Posts mine
Enjoying this bingo card by @Somesaylezzels (Leslie Templeton🇮🇪) on Twitter
Thank you. So sweet and delicate. It love the texture of the petals, how they cling to fingers
Yesterday. A lucky shot. Flew into the frame as I snapped the pic.
I get lucky sometimes, but … usually with plants. ;) They don’t run away. Here’s some fleabane.
[Life with a voice actor] Scene 1: “Eeeee, I forgot my D&D group is meeting!” (Squeaky voice) Scene 2: [1 minute later] (deep, suave, leading man voice) “Ahhhh, but you can’t say that’s my problem.”
Is someone actually consenting to death if they are denied what they need to live? "It's really a case of disbelief … What are we doing in order to help disabled persons or sick people to live in dignity prior to dying in dignity?"
Healthcare pro tips: 1) never sign informed consent at the time of the procedure (do it in advance); 2) always get a printed copy; 3) always proofread the visit notes
Thank you! Rereading this now
❤️ ❤️ the warm poem ❤️ the illustrations, but OMG did they have no one trained in accessibility & book design? Who thought neon orange on white was a good idea? The photo doesn’t do it Justice. It positively throbs.
End of feed.