
fwiw this is generally why we bother with the whole protocol thing. if we ever tried something like this, everybody could move off our servers
Is anyone else 100% confident that if any popular subreddits stay dark for over a week that Reddit admins will just hijack it from the moderators and make it public? They’ve shown they don’t care about the moderators and community enough that this seems like a logical next step.
broadly speaking the kind of political action that the reddit moderators are taking is what we're setting ourselves up for it's the whole point. the network shouldn't run at the whims of one company
it's not supposed to be our network. we're supposed to just work for it. and if/when something like the reddit situation ever happens to us, if it's a real conflict, I'm quite sure I won't be happy about it. which, again, is why we're setting things up so I can't control it
....... probably gonna want to self impose a term limit
Paul if you did a Bluesky but in Reddit form, think of all the fedoras that would tip in your general direction. But seriously it would be cool.
Query: has any thought been given to the company becoming a Co-Op or of spinning up a Co-Op that runs a server farm for the protocol?
Fundamentally preventing yourself from being able to become the evil you sought to defeat is the way out of this cult leader madhouse, I think ❤️
“Broadly speaking this is the kind of political action I’m setting myself up for”
Lol I just started reading dune too. This pic is timed perfectly in my life. Thank you
only users who want to use the subreddit will be using it though. now it's at the whim of the mods instead of the rest of the users
yeah which is why we're not using strict community enclosures for the public social space either. all of the ways people organize in that system need to be pretty dynamic