
Spitballing today with some friends realized that a thing that frustrates me about a variety of current political actors is the difference between people who want to win vs people who want to feel aggrieved. Explains why I fucking hate the Green Party but find some DSA electoral stuff palatable.
Threading will hose me on this but like...if you want to actually build and wield power you should do so in the most efficient manner possible and fucking commit to doing so. Which means understanding constraints on the systems you're trying to enter and modify.
Part of why I don't do electoral is because I can't stand the current constraints! And the stuff I do fills a different valuable niche (do not ask, if you're offline with me you know) of making the world better.
I am an anarchist! I am not in this to get people elected. But I also have an analysis of the structures and systems that make up the terrain in which I operate and wew it is fucking dire for both feckless Dems and pointless left electoral stuff alike.