Philip Bain

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Philip Bain

Woke and in favour of a functioning NHS, criminal justice system, benefits for the less fortunate, decency and honesty. So delighted to have got rid of the Tories #FBPE
That's it. Bed time. Hope to wake to discover Truss gone. But after over a century we have got them out
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The Green Party now has 4 seats, the same number as Reform. I wonder who will get more TV coverage.
You have been a joy to follow for the last few weeks. I hope you have a wonderful break for a while after all this. Thank you so much.
This is the weirdest General Election I’ve experienced. At least six stories going on at the same time #UKGE2024
My constituency has never not been Tory! Wow
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Ok everyone. Let’s not fuck this up. After 14 years, 5 abysmal prime ministers, a shitload of contempt, lies, corruption and total steaming uselessness… we need to tell these Tories what we think. Our vote is our voice and we should use it. Or nothing will change. Get. Them. Out.
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The Star hits the mark:
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“vote Labour tomorrow, change will begin immediately. We’ll start work on day one to enact our first steps – downpayments, for a better, brighter future. These will be fully funded and fully costed, as you would expect, to deliver the groundwork of a mission-driven Labour government.” 🌹👏👏
Angela Rayner: Give us the chance to prove that politicians aren’t ‘all the same’ I’ve seen first-hand how a Labour government brings secure homes, decent work and strong community. But we need you at the ballot box, says Labour’s deputy leader, Angela Rayner
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The night before the Brexit vote had Leave on 18%. Even the exit polls said Leave was barely 20%. Next morning after the votes were counted it was 52%. #votetactically because every Vote matters #GTTO
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Today is election day! Have you decided how you will vote? Or do you need more information? If you live in the East of England region, East Anglia Bylines May be able to help…
Election recap: it’s time to Tomorrow is July 4 - election day! Have you decided how you will vote? Or do you need more information? East Anglia Bylines can help
Morning all. Don't forget it is Ejection day. #GTTO
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Today is National Bin Day in the UK, when they finally put the rubbish out. Remember, today isn't the standard bin or recyclables, it's toxic waste. 👍 #GTTO
Anyone out there from Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket constituency? Your candidate choice is a Tory SpAd from London claiming local interest because of family farming connections who says Labour Candidate has no local links and an NHS ENT consultant with many years at NNUH in Norfolk. Knife-edge.
Am I alone in having pub conversations with people who say they will vote reform and almost encouraging them to do so as that vote is one less for the tories in a forever con seat?
I don't mind paying tax if I feel it is being used properly. I resent it being used to line the pockets of those least in need.
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In a more just world, I'd be voting for the Progressive Communist Party* I suppose. (*this is a party that I just made up that should exist)
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I was going to vote Liberal Democrat because of Starmer's intransigence over reversing Brexit, but now Rishi says it's OK to vote for him after all!
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The people who elect Reform MPs are going to find themselves completely stuffed. There’ll be no surgeries, no helping constituents with problems. Farage and the rest just like playing the game of politics, not grinding out the work.
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Met a talented young chef who's moved home today from London where he's had some bad employment experiences. Not registered to vote. "I'll get round to that". Deadline today. Done
From conversations today in this ultra conservative seat, there remains a fear that Labour will do all sorts of unspecified things with power if they get a huge majority. The response that has resonated is recalling the 2000s when Dr appointments were easy and everything felt better.
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He will never live it down.
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Sunak's campaign plans collide with reality again.
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It's a bit last-minute, but I'll be at Ipswich ComicCon on Sunday to sell books! I'll have copies of Threading the Labyrinth, Spec Fic for Newbies 1 (& a QR code to pre-order 2) & the Milford antho Eclectic Dreams complete with a previously unpublished Neil Gaiman story!
Ipswich – Striking