
Now you know: As the number of US sociology PhDs has fallen in recent years, the gender composition has remained stable at around 62% women.
Guesses for how much of the overall decline is akin to delayed fertility vs more lasting changes in total PhDs minted?
Strained metaphor because programs don't have lifespans over which to calculate 'total' fertility like people do, but feels like something useful in that analogy.
2016 starts the decline, roughly. A relatively good year for ASA job postings, but it's roughly one PhD length after the 2008/9 job market crash. Could be permanent decline? But the 2020-2022 decline may be more delayed graduation (fieldwork pauses, funding extensions, bad job market...). 🤷‍♂️
How should we interpret this? Is a 50-50 split in males and females desired or are there perspectives that are not being covered in the literature due to this trend?
I don't have an answer for that. Generally too many women means the field will be devalued. On the other hand, maybe female majority is good for workplace/professional dynamics (depending on power disparities, etc). But how much? Don't know.