
The FT is arguably the sanest of all British dailies; but even the FT relegates the Greens and the LibDems's successes in the election (71 seats for the LD, a gain of +63) to the equivalent of a footnote. This is the Reform effect, by which extremists are given extra oxygen by the media. Why?
And why aren't the results in Northern Ireland given more prominence, when Sinn Fein has progressed yet again and reunification with the Republic is becoming a matter of when, not if? Is it that Northern Ireland is considered to be already out of the UK by the country's media?
It is also striking that turnout is significantly above average in constituencies held or won by Lib Dems, as opposed to constituencies held or won by Labour. Similar pattern, even more pronounced, in the constituencies held or won by the Green Party. 76.2% turnout in Waveny Valley!
By contrast, Reform won its seats in constituencies where turnout was pitiful: 58.6% in Great Yarmouth and Ashfield, 58.4% in Clacton (Farage's seat) and 53.4% in Skegness (Tice). I've yet to hear any political analyst mention that, and heaven knows they've had plenty to say otherwise.
SF didn’t gain any seats, DUP just lost some
Point taken. I was referring to the increase of their share of the popular vote as a whole.
You're right though, the last time NI mattered when it was "our friends the DUP" in 2017
Not the fondest of memories, this.
And the way NI is just ignored in almost all British media I do find incomprehensible.
Agree that they are in general far too over-exposed in the UK media, but they are now the 3rd largest party by vote-share (whatever the failings of FPTP) and have more votes than the LDs (who were in govt less than a decade ago) and SNP (who still govern Scotland).
Farage's decision to back down in 2019 looks even more decisive in Tory victory. Hopefully they can be marginalised over the next Parliament.