
Anti-science aggression in the information age is confusing because we have a very linear understanding of how coordinated attacks work. We presume that one actor, group, or party is the organizing mastermind behind all activity. That is wrong Read:
Shadows of the coming Dark Age for science in the Some analysis of the recent successful attacks on science and scientists; and a warning for democratic citizens
Here is a free-to-use infographic that explains how several actors, motives, incentives, and communities coordinate around a larger anti-science narrative; This is leading to the harassment, abuse, intimidation, and political prosecution of innocent scientists.
There was a typo reading "crown-sourced", instead of crowd-sourced. Here is a full-size HD corrected image; the article has been updated as well.
Nice art. Just checking, is that meant to say "crowd sourced" instead of "crown sourced"?
LoL I should not make infographics derp into the night. Will update when I get back home
Yeah. Stopped me also right there. But now I have a nascent idea for a TTRPG scenario, so thanks for that!
Yeah cause like, crown based conspiracism is definitely a thing, I’d just change the art for that half to this: