
Under capitalism, companies will almost always do the profitable thing instead of the ethical thing
I kinda wish we could sue the company into oblivion for forcing microplastics into our body without consent. But I’m sure someone thought of that already and 3M came up with some bullshit cover story that the bought off judges sided with.
Such a depressing story. 3M needs to be forced to remove every molecule of the stuff from the planet, and this guy needs to burn in hell forever.
It's so wild we allow companies to just... invent whole new chemicals, and deploy them into the market without any meaningful analysis or supervision. Like, this is teaching me I totally *could* create a greygoo and drop it on a board room? That seems insane!
it's because our system's enforcement is designed to protect capital, not people. So when people are suffering but the shareholder value isn't, our law enforcement feels little incentive to intervene
Where are the indictments? The jail time? For 3M? The gov't officials fired? and the congressional hearings? & why isn't 3M paying for the attempt to clean up our water supply? How are they allowed to remain in business? What's the proper penalty for knowingly poisoning the world?
What’s terrifying about this article is how the corporate culture of secrecy just lingers forever in minds much like PFOS lingers in blood and tissue.
3M execs were like “oh my God it’s Kris Hansen”
That story chills me to the bone, and I bet my life that virtually all companies do the exact same thing.
That was a very good, but disheartening read. As a kid in the 90s, I remember my parents spraying our shoes and camping gear with ScotchGuard. Those shoes are long gone, but the chemicals won’t ever be.
Read this then go watch Dark Waters. The inescapable evil stuff the industrialized world has created is difficult to quantify.
Some enzymes can break it down, so I would try having ginger n stuff, no guarantee it'll help, but better than nothing, its anti-carcinogenic.