
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Vermont becomes 1st state to enact law requiring oil companies pay for damage from climate change.
Great now do Taylor Swift, she is an Ecological Nightmare all by herself. It is not about just the private jets, Think about all the GHG emissions one Taylor Swift concert tour creates, about 500,000 tons of GHG emissions for the Eras Tour Alone.
Their wealth is in the Emissions, they don't pay for them yet are dependent upon them. They are called Economic Externalities and there is profit in not recognizing them
That is great but the Oil Companies will now take it to the Supreme Court that they have purchased and have it deemed Unconstitutional. The System is Broken and this patchwork of State Action is not going to Fix it any more than our Voting for Rs' and Ds' will Fix it.
Welcome to higher gas prices Vermont. This law is no different than the cap and trade we have here in Washington State, the oil companies just pass the penalties down to the customers.