
I'm a very calm, quiet, gentle person. I really am. But when people try to talk to me with "Biden isn't that bad" energy it drives me kinda insane. He is one of the least popular presidents in modern history for a reason. This dude has regularly been on the wrong side of history for decades.
Joe Biden has told us to fuck ourselves so many times in the past four years, maybe it’s time to tell him to go to bed
Biden's 3 and a half years in office have been a disaster. As an almost 40 year old person who remembers, I can confidently say he is AT LEAST as bad as Bush jr. was but people who are just left of center love to give him a pass because he wears the team colors.
I really think most democratic voters mean well, but they largely just stop paying attention when there's a guy with a D next to his name in the white house.
I'm convinced that if you removed the names and dates and showed the average democratic voter an article about Trump's border policies and one about Biden's border policies, they would assume both were written about Trump.