
Welcome to Critique Please! This is a feed dedicated to artists of all mediums to seek constructive criticism. Please use #critpls to show up in this feed. Remember to support others and be kind!
Please let me know if you notice any problems. I'll be asleep in a few but I'll address anything tomorrow morning! For now I'd like to keep it as a global network (no user list needed) but this can change if we find issues. Any suggestions welcome!
This is such a rad idea!! I noticed, tho, clicking into the tag it looks like there are a few existing posts utilizing it, but they aren't showing up in the feed🤔 Might just be an issue on my end (android mobile app) but you might want to double-check the feed settings just in case :3
I think it's a problem with skyfeed. I set it up like I do every other feed but it no updates. u_u
Huh, yeah, if input is set to the entire network but it still won't pull the tag that's weird ): I'm not like..a pro w feeds, I've only made personal ones, but I get the basics for the input & regex :0 If u ever want a 2nd pair of eyes to look at the setup I'm happy to look at a screenshot of it🩵
I might take you up on that offer in the future! Thank you! 💛
Awesome! I love helping others so this will be a fun feed to follow. Hoping it pops off.