
Without the US support, war won't stop. Without the support, there will be more Buchas, more deaths, more tortures, and kidnappings. Musk knows nothing about what he says. He is one of those guys who want to continue Ukrainian suffering. #UkrainianView
He knows what he wrote and he doing it on purpose, just like when he provided starlinks to russian troops. He wants to see changes in frontline, he wants russians to succeed, he wants to see more blood, more massacre, more mass destruction
You may be right, but I still hope he is just foolish and used by bad guys. But day after day my hope is less.
Nah He is an idiot and moral bankrupt but he knows how to make money. russians and their Chinese suzerains can provide musk with cheap resources in future and are willing to pay millions for starlinks right now
Foolish? I think that ship has sailed.. dude is evil wrapped in privilege.
I've lost that hope very long time ago
Nobody pays “dues” to NATO. That 2% is a target for everyone to budget to spend on their own defense by buying weapons, ammunition, and other supplies. Not like it’s a savings account that everyone pitches in to.
"when will it stop" when they bugger off and leave? Absolutely moronic comments by this guy. But the way I see it, he's still got his panties in a twist over being told to fuck off when he suggested an idiotic "solution" 2 years ago. Still hasn't recovered from wounded pride.
Musk is a very dangerous, arrogant and sadistic person were USA should bring him to jail because he is national and international security risk.
Appears he’s bet on a Russian win so now he wants to see it happen.