
There is a video from an early Pride festival where Sylvia Rivera storms the stage and rips the organizers a new one for focusing on a party instead of liberation and not wanting to include trans people and boy howdy is it abundantly clear how we got to the place we are now.
Honestly, with a lot of companies and communities scaling back on pride things, and with the right wing more directly challenging LGBT autonomy, it's going to be much easier for us to lose whatever power we have since we didn't assert it the first time.
From that march in 1973? The ones where the organizers immediately then had a literal white supremacist and transphobe on stage immediately there after to spout the same tired BS that TERFs still use against trans people to this day?
It's a little radicalizing, isn't it?
Proto terf Jean O'Leary, famed 'former' nun that tribalized queer womanhood to the exclusivity of marketable cisgender white women.