Hamburglar Humblebrag

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Hamburglar Humblebrag

You think I'm too old to make monkeyshines at a picture show? I'm younger than the three of you put together.
Avatar if you haven't read these already, would you like them? Pal passed them on to me - volumes 1 & 2 of Weird Walk zine.
There are no worsts when it comes to war crimes but the story of Muhammed Bhar has broken me. There's a BBC story about him. I read it while listening to my disabled son chatting happily to himself as he woke up to a gentle, sunny day. That should have been Muhammed's right too.
Fallen down a YouTube rabbit hole of videos done by a guy who meticulously details engineering miscalculations and the disasters they cause. Why am I so morbid? I now know all about the Knickerbocker Theatre collapse, the Quebec Bridge disaster and the sad fates of multiple Alaskan fishing vessels.
Obviously questions to answer about how this fraudster/fabulist got away with it so long, but interesting to me that she's a nurse. The biggest liar I ever met - massive, self-aggrandizing whoppers - was also a nurse. Is there an overlap of wanting to be seen as helpful/casting yourself as a hero?
You can sing Gef The Talking Mongoose Lives In The Walls to the tune of Puff The Magic Dragon.
New commission: a Muppet version of John Carpenter's THE THING featuring Kermit, Gonzo, Beaker, and a Yip-Yip! Mixed media on 9 X 12" watercolor paper. #MuppetMonday
I'm in Scotland's glamorous Borders region and it's a bumper year for meadowsweet - absolutely loads of it growing beside the Tweed and the Leithen Water. #wildflowers
Someone in this café just asked for 'a fruit scam with butter and John' lol.
Which Olympic discipline do you reckon you'd be best at? Not good at, not necessarily even adequate at, but better at than all the other disciplines. I reckon shotput. We did it once at school and I could heft that ball ok. Sadly the teacher then told me I had 'the build for shotput' which I both...
Daughter came through to check I was ok because she thought the Spanish national anthem was me groaning in pain.
And there's a tweet right below you to hammer the point home
I can't get over how asinine this BBC headline is. What 'illusion of security'? The USA is the land of gun attacks, is historically steeped in political violence, has firearm attacks on politicians in recent memory, has numerous assassinations and oh yeah had 3 planes flown into buildings.
Today's Strands is an absolute showcase of the occasional gulfs between US English and UK English.
Little known fact: Alvin had to wear this A on his shirt cause he was an adulterous whore
Back in the early 90s, someone I used to know was an extra in Taggart. They were in a nightclub scene and, as the club music was added in post-production, were told to imagine music and just dance to that. So the guy I know was doing moves to high energy acid techno. But...
I enjoyed Longlegs but one issue I had with it was that the titular boogeyman, while objectively grotesque, also just looks a bit like me when I'm freshly woken up & haven't put my ponytail up yet. Grey, pale, scraggly hair, bit puffy. Satanic beast or just a menopausal woman with shoddy self-care?
This lift serves three floors - 1, 0 and -1 - but has input buttons to enable you to choose, for instance, level 9332 or level -666.66. I am intrigued, but too fearful, to explore what dimension I'd end up in if I entered a wilder choice than the building's three storey structure implies.
I'm considering going to see Longlegs later, if my local cinema can squeeze in a screening of it between the literally 21 showings today of Despicable Me 4.
Apparently the current England player is called Cole Palmer and, according to my spouse, me saying Carlton Palmer puts me about 30 years out.
My friend's cat, Dottie, barely glimpsed.