erin plasma

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erin plasma

i'm black & puerto rican and a trans lady in her 40s and i really like fighting games
Reposted byAvatar erin plasma
Reposted byAvatar erin plasma
MARGE: Assassin | Stealth Mode ステルス暗殺者
Reposted byAvatar erin plasma
coming to grips with how many things are just a new version of the Torment Juice, this place included, and just how little my depressed, anxious, and ideation prone ass needs to be drinking anything resembling the Torment Juice
it's one thing to suffer and another thing when you feel like even talking about your suffering bores people
we leave little pieces of ourselves everywhere and its fascinating how those pieces age independent of our selves
the material conditions are not ideal, gamers
need to be back on hormones like yesterday. expeditiously
Reposted byAvatar erin plasma
The third lineup preview for Vortex Gallery Online 2024 is here! Quite a few surprises, huh? 👀 We've got one more lineup reveal slide coming at you tomorrow, any guesses? 🍁 Registration for #VGOn24 goes live this Sunday, July 7th! Stay tuned for a full game/region list! #FGC
Reposted byAvatar erin plasma
sorry, i need so much help rn, so the student visa fees have been raised for aus and that means im gonna struggle to pay for it, i dont like doing this, but it would help so much to spread this around
Buy Heather a Coffee. Become a supporter of Heather today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love with no fees on donations.
bring me the skull, of keir starmer
without downloading new pics, dating me is. would probably be. a pain in the ass
Reposted byAvatar erin plasma
happy independence today! a day to celebrate american exceptionalism. i believe that if we work hard enough, we can crash a third plane into the world trade center ☺️
we're so back. streaming fighting games again next week on twitch dot tv slash plasmasword.
Reposted byAvatar erin plasma
Here's the next preview for the Vortex Gallery Online 2024 lineup! Check back for even more tomorrow 🌀 Are you training for any of the tournaments announced so far? Let us know! #VGOn24🍁 #FGC
i dont wanna jump the gun. but today might be the day. i really dont wanna be presumptuous about this. about us potentially being back. i'll know in maybe about an hour. but there's potential. knock on fucking wood
hard to conceptualize going to bed but i will make an attempt. this concludes our broadcast day. thanks
soon, once more, we will be able to resume doing cool things such as. Sitting Upright At A Desk In A Chair
this was a good year for me to get into Girl Ultra, im going to be annoying about it when Blush comes out
been hours since a heart to heart with a bud where i found out certain ppl critical of me were like 20, i can no longer bring myself to argue with anyone who was a zygote when i was dropping out of college, whatever superficial oneupmanship it is that you're looking for you win, i dont care
everybody talking about hawk tuah, i need to tawk tuah, friend, or lover, or partner, or trained mental health clinician
when we get out of here im really gonna either be a brand new person or a tabula rasa and roomie will have to 3D print me a new personality
brain has been processing events and sights and words and sound around me with the volume kind of low, like those movies engineered poorly when cut from theatrical versions where all the dialogue is really hard to hear but all the action scenes are a booming cacophony
gonna tell people that no you see last month was just me method acting some kind of A24 wordless isolation driven psychological horror story that was just me practicing
too many people saying 'diabolical' now, i'm switching it up to saying 'cataclysmic'
i dont think bad art or bad music or bad games or bad film attracts bad people necessarily i just think bad people are usually louder than everybody else