Plasm Wraith Jake

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Plasm Wraith Jake

I like video games, eating a little bit more than I should, playing piano, going on walks, swimming, and listening to the same bands I always have
While reading the very hungry caterpillar, after the Saturday page where the caterpillar eats everything, my son looked at me and said “he’s in for a ROUGH night” 😆 that got me
Sometimes I’m still coming to terms with the glacial pace that I play through games as a busy adult with lots of responsibilities. I usually only have a couple hours available for gaming at night. And that’s assuming I use the whole time for games! Even then, I’m not exactly a speedrunner gamer lol
Is it weird that “The 2nd Law” is my favorite Muse album? Because I think it might be.
Anyways, some of my favorite Imagine Dragons songs are: Hear Me Bleeding Out Gold Polaroid Whatever It Takes Machine My Life Wrecked Cutthroat Blur
I’m self-aware enough to know that I’m setting myself up for some well-deserved ridicule with this statement, but… I’m disappointed by the new Imagine Dragons album 🫣 (Despite their reputation, I do think most of their albums have been good and their first couple of albums were genuinely great)
The further in I get, the lack of translation becomes a bigger issue. Some characters give very specific hints for puzzles that are totally incomprehensible if you can’t read Japanese. Hopefully they remake the Starfy trilogy someday or just give us a brand new Starfy game.
Starfy is such a fun pleasant surprise for NSO! I don’t understand a word being said but the gameplay is straightforward enough for me to enjoy. 😊
What franchise comes to mind with this description? Never had a bad entry, always been good, but also peaked with the very first installment.
Finished the main story in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble! Completed all 100 levels with no assists. Excellent game, almost on par with the GameCube ones I’d say. And there are still 100 extra levels to play through!
If you could commission a video game amusement park, what would the theme be? What rides would you want to have included?
I’m self-aware enough to know that I’m setting myself up for some well-deserved ridicule with this statement, but… I’m disappointed by the new Imagine Dragons album 🫣 (Despite their reputation, I do think most of their albums have been good and their first couple of albums were genuinely great)
Been really enjoying Banana Rumble by the way. The difficulty ramp is quite possibly the best the series has ever had. The first few worlds are approachable for most gamers. By the time you get to worlds 8/9, there are pretty damn challenging stages that are taking me back to late-game Monkey Ball 2
I would be TOTALLY ok with a new Banjo-Kazooie game that was designed like Sonic Mania. Banjo-Mania, if you will. 1) same classic visuals and controls (with some slight enhancements) 2) a combination of remixed classic worlds AND brand new worlds I don't need an expensively made new Banjo-Kazooie
After trying both the demo AND the ps plus trial of the game, I can confirm that … Even though I WANTED to like Stellar Blade… ….even though I totally see the merit and appeal of it… …and even though I’m glad to see Sony pushing a new IP… …it just isn’t for me. It’s not clicking. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Starfy is such a fun pleasant surprise for NSO! I don’t understand a word being said but the gameplay is straightforward enough for me to enjoy. 😊
Is "Size Matters" a good Ratchet & Clank game? I saw that it is getting added to PS Plus Premium this month. Like most PSP games, I never had a chance to play it and don't even know very much about it.
With Inside Out 2 becoming Pixar’s highest grossing movie, I feel like Inside Out 3 is inevitable. I think a good idea for a sequel would be Riley heading off to college and experiencing her first real relationship. The back and forth between their two heads could be hilarious and enlightening.
We watched Despicable Me 4 with my son (he had fun but I didn’t like it much) This got me thinking…are there any truly good animated “4” movies? Shrek 4, Kung Fu Panda 4, Ice Age 4, and Despicable Me 4 are varying degrees of disappointing / bad. Toy Story 4 is probably the bEsT one by default?
Absolutely loving this so far! Exactly what I wanted. #SuperMonkeyBall #BananaRumble #PhotoMode
Swimming is one of the best activities ever. I love how it forces me to put my phone away for an extended amount of time. I love how water feels. I love moving around in the water. Got to go swimming for an hour today and it was the best hour of my week. Love it love it love it.
Started the new Monkey Ball game last night and played through the first 11 courses. I’m gonna love this. Feels great. 🍌 #BananaRumble
That’s Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door remake finished! I haven’t bought many first-party Nintendo games in 2024 BUT this remake was the real deal. Really enjoyed revisiting this amazing game 😊 It plays, looks, and sounds better than ever. #PaperMario #TTYD
Hell yeah! I beat the final boss in Thousand Year Door on my very first attempt 👑 I still had a few mushrooms and syrups to spare! These were my final stats & equipped badges. Prioritizing badges for *most* of my upgrades definitely paid off. I also used “power lift” a bunch. #PaperMario #TTYD
Hell yeah! I beat the final boss in Thousand Year Door on my very first attempt 👑 I still had a few mushrooms and syrups to spare! These were my final stats & equipped badges. Prioritizing badges for *most* of my upgrades definitely paid off. I also used “power lift” a bunch. #PaperMario #TTYD
What’s that one favorite game of yours that you consider ALMOST perfect except for one HUGE flaw somewhere in the middle?
My four-year-old was climbing and squirming on top of me for several minutes, until he accidentally knees me really hard right in the gut…. …then he looks me right in the eyes and says “hey dad, can you laugh about it?” 💀 Trying to relax on the couch for five minutes as a parent is a fool’s errand
7/7 crystal stars in TTYD remake! Off to the finale now!
At the theater today, a trailer with Zachary Levi came on. My wife whispered, “Didn't he go off the deep end? And like kidnap / hurt people?” I was SOOO confused and concerned, then realized she was mixing up Ezra Miller (The Flash) with Levi’s Shazam 😂 I’m relieved that Chuck didn’t go insane.
“Golf” is one of about three NES cartridges that I ever owned. I have an oddly nostalgic connection to that game as a result.
7 classic games are now available to play for #NintendoSwitchOnline members! #NES: ☑️ Urban Champion ☑️ Golf ☑️ Donkey Kong Jr. Math ☑️ Mach Rider ☑️ The Mystery of Atlantis ☑️ SOLAR JETMAN ☑️ COBRA TRIANGLE
NES – July 2024 Game Update – Nintendo Switch It’s time to hone your fighting abilities, explore the mysteries of an ancient lost civilization and – oh yes – break out your math skills, because Nintendo ...
I’m going to start including this image at the end of some of my work emails #GreatAceAttorney