
listen i'm not saying GIMP is useless but i am saying it's a misrepresentation to act like it's a perfectly acceptable 100% replacement for Photoshop and that its interface isn't totally fuckin busted. like sorry but i have been on Computer since 1994 and it is among the worst UIs i have ever seen
if you've *only* ever used GIMP it's a fish not knowing it's wet sort of situation, but for anyone coming in from PS it's more akin to hitting the water at terminal velocity
every time i see people try to tell digital artists to Just Use GIMP i'm like... are you a time traveler... did you come here from 2007... can you go back and tell kid me she has ADHD
bad UI is a serious problem for a digital artist, it kills your workflow and can worsen repetitive strain issues by adding tons of extra steps/keypresses! it's not just annoying, it's an obstacle!
imo the solution to all of this is to put all these software companies in the hands of the employees who know what they're actually goddamn doing and, i dunno, exile the former execs a remote island and airdrop them poptarts once in a while
Also if you want a freeware image editor that isn’t Actual Garbage then Paint dot Net is right there. It probably runs in WINE or Proton or whatever, I don’t know I haven’t checked. I just buy photoshop elements once every five years and call it a day.
I honestly didn’t even know paint dot net was still around, I think the last time I used it was over 20 years ago?
it seems to be going strong! i'm not a regular user of it but i've goofed with it just to see what its deal was and it certainly looks its age, but it's pretty versatile
It’s got to be better than GIMP, at least. Or I’d hope so. GIMP does have some useful features for PNG manipulation and transparency stuff that I use a lot for iOS dev, but yikes, that UI…