Pu239 ☢️☠️

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Pu239 ☢️☠️


I'm so sad to hear that Chickpaints died. Please consider donating if you can.
If you knew of Ryse "Chickpaints" on Instagram, Twitch or Twitter. Please consider giving this a read, and maybe donate or share if you can. gofund.me/933ea5cd Her family are unable to pay for a funeral after her 7ntimely death they have only recently been notified of. Thank you
Donate to the memory of Màryse "ChickPaints" Ouellet, organised by Gavin Cliffegofund.me Hi, my name is Gavin and I'm trying to raise some funds on behalf of… Gavin Cliffe needs your support for Donate to the memory of Màryse "ChickPaints" Ouellet
If you knew of Ryse "Chickpaints" on Instagram, Twitch or Twitter. Please consider giving this a read, and maybe donate or share if you can. gofund.me/933ea5cd Her family are unable to pay for a funeral after her 7ntimely death they have only recently been notified of. Thank you
Donate to the memory of Màryse "ChickPaints" Ouellet, organised by Gavin Cliffegofund.me Hi, my name is Gavin and I'm trying to raise some funds on behalf of… Gavin Cliffe needs your support for Donate to the memory of Màryse "ChickPaints" Ouellet
Hey my lovelies, as Webtoons is set to start trading on the US Stock Exchange (aka 'going public') a lot of tech bros with stars in their eyes are going to start looking at webcomics as the 'next big thing' to try to get rich off of. Creators, be extra alert to any new platforms
Drooly over the ghoulies? Why not, they are fabulous!!
I've sadly not had any time this week to properly drool over and play with the gorgeous Ghouls from @badsquiddogames.bsky.social latest Kickstarter, but here's a pic of the goodies I got! Promise I'll get better pics soon. Thanks, Annie! 😍🥰❤️ #ghouls #smallbusiness #early
I've sadly not had any time this week to properly drool over and play with the gorgeous Ghouls from @badsquiddogames.bsky.social latest Kickstarter, but here's a pic of the goodies I got! Promise I'll get better pics soon. Thanks, Annie! 😍🥰❤️ #ghouls #smallbusiness #early
Here he is in all his gold and lapis lazuli glory! My Tomb Kings Necrosphinx 😍 Hobby goal: achieved. #WarhammerCommunity #TheOldWorld #TombKings #gold #lapislazuli
I did some painting! Hooray! All by myself! A bunch of Bad Squiddo minis & scenics (of course), to make a gang of spirit host proxies for The Old World. It's ACE painting my own minis. Cause they're REALLY GOOD. Wahey! What do you think? *haunting sax solo*
#WIP made a start on my father-in-law's birthday present, Mollog's Mob, with Mollog himself first up on the painting table! #WarhammerCommunity #bmpaints
Eight (8) Skeleton Horsemen archers done and dusted from the kindly gifted #TheOldWorld Tomb Kings of Khemri box, and a modular movement tray to match! 😁 #WarhammerCommunity #adWIP #TombKings
Because it's relevant (again), just a reminder that we small Indies don't have shareholders to satisfy, just bills to pay. No queuing system, no scalpers, just people genuinely pleased with every order you make. And while Likes are lovely, Retweeting is the best way to help with visibility for us.
I've been fascinated by ancient Egyptians since I was a kid, so to be able to paint up the High Priest on Necrolith Bone Dragon from #TheOldWorld Tomb Kings of Khemri box was an honour. Thanks to Warhammer, for the amazing early preview gift! 😍🥰 #warhamercommunity #adWIP
#WipWednesday working on the archer skeleton horsemen for #TheOldWorld Tomb Kings (thanks again GW for the free box set!). Also, getting the movement trays done up. #WarhammerCommunity #adwip #TombKings
Square and rectangular bases? Be a shame if someone had made them all along and never stopped.
Well family has been and gone, so know it's time for more hobbying. Got Narik built, been wanting one of these minis since it's release!
Last day of our Sale, ends midnight!
#artvsartists2023 sadly didn't get as many minis painted as I would have liked this year, only 91 (147 in '22). Here are a few examples of what I have accomplished, though! I think my quality has improved, so I can forgive the quantity 😋 #WarhammerCommunity #Warmongers #bmpaints
Anybody else get a copy of Questbeast Dungeon for Xmas? CBBC's Lagging, Series 3: 3. Gran Theft Oh No!: featuring models and scenics from @FenrisGames.com @badsquiddogames.bsky.social @handiworkgames.bsky.social www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001snqk
Doing some bases on an ancient 2018 Kill Team and Chaplain
#hobbystreak 17+18 yesterday applied a black inkwash to the intercessor on some bits I missed. Then this evening really didn't feel like painting, so I dipped into my back log to build out my gun line. #miniaturepainting #warhammer40k
'E don't care oo's bin naughty or nice, Everyone gets Da Red Gobbo's Surprise! Thanks to Games Workshop/Warhammer for gifting me this cheeky chap in advance! #WarhammerCommunity #adwip #DaRedGobbo
One upside of surprise day out of the office is having the time to paint up another Krakenborn, and in true Halloween fashion, I thought I'd give you something spooky 😊👻 #WarhammerCommunity
Squeeee! I'm on the front page! 😍🤩 Thanks so much to Games Workshop for sending me this absolutely phenomenal model to me for free to paint up, and thank you for featuring me among such awesome painters! #WarhammerCommunity #adwip #ageofsigmar #AoS
I think my only real gripe about this platform is you end up seeing replies to posts rather than the original posts themselves most of the time.
No, Ian, you really haven't got enough time to build a 3d RubbleCity gameboard for your Dragonbane game at #Grogmeet.
After an unfortunate superglue accident had to be rectified I think I'm most the way done with ol' man Yarrick. Not my best work. But still some time to add some improvement I guess.
Quick, take these Warlocks!