
Alt text will be provided for text-based images when you message following the post with the image. If you don't have the capacity to write alt text yourself, there are solutions to ensure that your posts are still accessible, so that everyone can enjoy them.
Alt text will be provided for you when you include the tag "Alt4Me." Everyone deserves accessibility.
is the alt text provided by a human being or is it generated automatically? I'm asking bc I see its a bot but idk what the output is
The quoted method (Alt4Me) is provided by humans, the bot linked to in the above post is indeed a bot. You have options!
oh okay! thanks for the answer (:
AFAIK, the bot has asked us not to use it to compose alt text, just because you are Neurodivergent or not good at it. It costs $ per request, and is primarily for users who are blind, low vision, or otherwise neuologically or physically disabled.
yeah that would be why I asked someone whether the bot's descriptions are AI-generated or not, instead of just testing it, since im not visually impaired. I actually was curious because the b/vi people in my life are finding AI image descriptions borderline useless.