
If you see this, post a book you’ve read more than once. Spare, bleak, and brutal, WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO… demolishes many of the village pieties of genre SF. It’s also very funny. It was originally published in GALAXY during the editorship of Jim Baen. Which is to say, people are complicated.
If you see this, post a book you’ve read more than once 📚 Really four books in one (sorry, breaking the meme), meet Adam Reith, crashlanded on an alien planet full of aliens...and very alien humans as well, in the picaresque Vancian style.
Jim Baen was an interesting guy. I think as a publisher he was *way* ahead of the curve in his strategy towards eBooks.
This is absolutely the case.
If you see this, post a book you've read more than once. I was first exposed to this in junior high, and it turned my skull inside out. My single most concentrated, powerful comic experience between Herbie #2 and Watchmen #3. I got my original copy signed by Kurtzman in 1984.