
Avatar I meant to ask you - did you ever fix your Q :D? I have found out some new details on why the cube side might shut down on itself, if that's not resolved yet for you!
naww unfortunately lots of urgent personal stuff happened pretty much right after that so I haven’t found time to take a good look at it yet 😩 Still have to open it up! Curious to what you have found tho!
I swear I sent a reply here after you sent that message... just don't see it anymore :/ aaaanyway; the cube side of the Q wont boot up at all if the fan is not connected. There's a fuse that could prevent it, or the actual fan is burnt out - might solve yours!
and if it proves too big of a hassle, I'd love to have a look over things for you (not asking for payment, not trying to rip you off here, just looking out for my fellow gamers!)
😮 good to know wat betreft die fan!! En echt superaardig dat je nog een Q-patiëntje wil opnemen :)) wanneer ik binnenkort vrij heb en dingen een beetje gekalmeerd zijn ga ik er goed voor zitten, mocht ik het toch te intimiderend vinden dan weet ik je te vinden! echt heel chill — thanks nogmaals 🫶