Lydia Polgreen

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Lydia Polgreen

New York Times Opinion Columnist
This is incredible news out of France - the left really saved the center's bacon. It has always seemed that the true cordon sanitaire for the center and right in the amnesiac 21st century was not against the far right but the left.
Maybe I now have brainworms but 👀👀👀 to Whitmer name checking Harris *before* Biden.
This, along with the “get knocked down, get back up” talk is so distressing. This is not a Chumbawuma song! It is the presidency!
It is striking to see which norms the Biden campaign is willing to trash (the Presidential Commission on Debates, the one below) and which are sacrosanct (expanding the Supreme Court or literally doing any small thing other than urge people to vote when the court does something horrifying).
This is some truly shameful crap from Puck. Shocking, frankly.
I know this isn’t the point but these two are wearing immaculate fits. Mescal’s trousers, Portman’s jeans, both their t-shirts, just fantastic, effortless cool.
It’s a thrill to be back in South Africa for the big election - 30 years of multiracial democracy! Just talked to President Cyril Ramaphosa, who leads the ANC into its toughest election since the end of apartheid.
This is a remarkable statement from Hillary Cass, author of the Cass Review on gender affirming care in the UK. It is essentially a return to the stone ages of trans medical care, in which trans people need to "prove" their lives are worth living.
I have a pretty thick skin but it never ceases to amaze me what people feel comfortable saying in emails to me, using their real names and email addresses.
Vibe at jail support at the 3 am hour.
This is the way, this is what we need.
There’s a special thrill to print. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll read my essay on the student protests.
Big pro-Israel March planned at Columbia by some right wing activists.
Scenes from Columbia campus today. Very quiet, no chants. Very few protestors outside the gates. De-escalation seems to be happening.
There were definitely a couple agitators on the street. This guy was called out by pro-Palestine protestors for being antisemitic.
Good news that discussions are continuing at Columbia. Bringing in more law enforcement would only escalate things further. Dialogue is the only way out of this and it is important that these negotiations continue and be given time to work.
I find hypocrisy to be a very boring accusation - hypocrisy is the human condition! But it is hard not to be impressed by the swiftness with which some free speech warriors/snowflake scolders have switched sides.
Just a little settler colonialist making moves to innocence.
Very tense scene near NYPD HQ after NYU student arrests.
Helpful first hand reporting from an NBC news journalist who has been on campus.
This is a plausible account of what is happening right now at Columbia.
This is truly horrifying. It is important to note the clear difference between the peaceful demonstration I saw *inside* the gates of Columbia on Thursday and the huge protests *outside* those gates now. But I also note there was basically no one protesting outside until Shafik called the NYPD.
I'm still digesting the Cass Review. But this is really, really wild. Of 3,300 patients surveyed, fewer than 10 transitioned back to their assigned sex. The percentage reporting that outcome was too small to be listed on this chart. That is a breathtakingly low rate of detransition.
Nothing I have written about has provoked as much hateful vitriol than my columns about Islamophobia. Some jerk sent this to me at the office today. Despicable. Imagine going to this much trouble to indulge your bigotry?
Incredible that someone would say this out loud but I’m glad he did.
The real bridge conspiracy no one has considered is that this is all an op to inform the public that Maryland has the country's hottest governor.
Idle observation: Trump's hair isn't as consistently helmet-like as it once was? Looks a little sloppy.
The Atlantic should correct this. Ed Wong is a sober, fair minded journalist who has done excellent work on many difficult assignments (including Beijing bureau chief!) over many years, unlike the writer of that piece, who subjected Ed to an appalling smear.