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🔞 engagement may be with lewd art.
30-something art lurker. fuck ai/nft/crypto.
software engineer, game industry burnout, cat haver.
he/they/she, trans WIP femme/nb, aro, sex-positive ace, indifferent virgin.
pfp by @sontra.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar pompadood
Angel design I drew for my friend's trrpg
Reposted byAvatar pompadood
Been seeing more "Are Ace folk REALLY LGBTQIA2S+?" Yes. That's it. Full stop. Yes. That's what the A stands for. That's it. No discussion. No discourse. Nothing. Aces are as queer as any other queer person. That's it.
my apartment "prepared" for the Black Lives Matter event in my city by erecting barricades, which sucked, and I had a dream last night that they did something even more drastic for pride month, they invaded and destroyed my home to keep me safe... pride panic in media is extremely irritating
I think my bluesky therapy worked really well. It's been less than a week and the notification dot doesn't double or triple my heartrate any more. This place fucking rules.
I don't remember too much from the days of watching TV with my mom as a kid, soap operas, quantum leap, friends... but I so distinctly remember on Friends, Joey saying that he wore women's underwear because it was more comfortable. Fuckin... correct.
Reposted byAvatar pompadood
Reposted byAvatar pompadood
Reposted byAvatar pompadood
if some cats are sharing braincells, mine might be hoarding. they've made me childproof: some doors and windows, stovetop controls, oven controls and door, fridge and freezer doors, and the garbage disposal switch... so far. sweet, cuddly, anxiety-inducing
i'm generally antisocial, but i feel perpetually guilty for not engaging more, especially on people's art and trans positivity and stuff. i was a work slack shitposter once but bird site dunked on my mental health so thoroughly i'm still spooked even in this cool place
End of feed.