Dr Sophie Hay

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Dr Sophie Hay


Just an archaeologist who works at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii
The coil of the rope, the weave of the basket, the texture of the timbers, the blades of a saw and pickaxe… Surrounded by the ghostly white casts of tools & objects, just as the last occupants left them in a room in the servile quarters of villa Civita Giuliana in AD 79 #Pompeii 🏺
Blue is the new black (room) in Pompeii. The latest discovery of a sacred room within a house decorated in rare Egyptian blue. 🏺
There are no other painted faces in Pompeii that I find more chilling than the recently discovered one of the hooded boy whose large asymmetrical eyes possess a haunted gaze. An incredible artwork possibly of a deceased child. In the House of the Painters at Work. 🏺
A humbling feeling to have witnessed firsthand the discovery of some of these charcoal drawings thought to be the handiwork of children in Pompeii. The stick figures hunting and fighting across the walls are wonderful but it’s the outlines of hands that are especially touching🖐🏿 🏺
The Lattari mountain range serving as a luscious backdrop to Pompeii. 🏺
The poppies are somewhat stealing the show in Pompeii at the moment in their vast swathes and their sunlit little clumps.
I love the little flourishes of spring greenery and meadow flowers in the amphitheatre of Pompeii at this time of year.
The luscious locks of Apollo. A beautiful bronze representation of the god found off the coast of Salerno in 1930 and thought to be part of a full length statue. Currently on display in the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Salerno
It’s been a privilege watching these frescoes of scenes from Trojan mythology emerge from the pumice in Region 9, Pompeii. What an unforgettable experience it’s been working with the BBC to bring these discoveries to the public gaze. Huge gratitude to the archaeologists and conservators of Region 9🏺
Wandering through the House of Fabius Rufus/Maius Castricius, Pompeii, I was particularly struck by this fresco of a female divinity. Her necklaces, headdress, and earrings are gloriously elaborate and fine. Identified by some as Venus Pompeiana. 🏺
A Roman who clearly forgot to put his sundial forward an hour as the inscription describes him as having to ‘run to dinner’ and in his haste he’s lost his sandal. •Antakya Archaeological Museum, Turkey. 🏺
A small creative detail that brings me huge delight: the recent replanting of the peristyle garden in the House of the Vettii, Pompeii was partly inspired by the frescoes of plants that decorate the portico around the garden. 🏺
I’m not sure there is anything more satisfying when it comes to frescoes than seeing them in situ and in the context in which they were meant to be seen. (Or at least, as close as we can get). House of the Four Styles, Pompeii. 🏺
Spring has sprung! From the House of the Vettii, Pompeii 🏺
Nature pared-down courtesy of an ancient painter in Pompeii. From the House of the Lararium. 🏺
There are many fabulous frescoes of women in Pompeii but I remain absolutely captivated by the face of this particular one recently uncovered in the House of Leda and who I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of seeing slowly emerge from the pumice. Celebrating International Women’s Day.
Witnessing the vibrant colours of freshly uncovered frescoes in Pompeii is a privilege and joy that never fades. Seeing the latest discovery of a mythological scene—Phrixus seated on a ram while his sister Helle drowns—in the context of the room it decorated is no exception. 🏺
The slightly tousled hair of Augustus. 🏺
Haven’t stopped to admire the little details in the fabric of walls in Pompeii for a while, so this morning I did. 🏺
Early morning reflection in the amphitheatre of Pompeii 🏺
Perseus, Andromeda, Medusa (in part), and a stonking red background. Fresco from the House of the Vettii, Pompeii 🏺
A somewhat abstract but pleasingly vertical mishmash of colours, textures and materials in Pompeii 🏺
Yesterday was a staggeringly glorious day to be looking over Naples and Vesuvius.
That little pink blush over Pompeii and Vesuvius at the end of a gorgeous winter day. 🏺
Good to be back! Pompeii 🏺
Another newly discovered medallion with a beautiful portrait of a woman. She too has those unusual blue-grey sclera and I love the “festive” wreath in her hair. From the House of Leda and the swan, Pompeii 🏺
Happy Boxing Day, BlueSky! 🥊
Merry Christmas, Bluesky! A “festive” 1st century AD mosaic from a Roman villa near Rome ❄️❄️❄️❄️🏺
Celebrating Christmas Eve with the closest thing to a reindeer that I’ve seen in Pompeii – a graffito from the House of the Chaste Lovers.