Spaceman Dan

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Spaceman Dan

Nerd, leftie, LGBTQIA+ and SW ally. ‘Woke’ is a compliment. Look, Spaceman Dan’s just this guy, you know?
Interesting how the political movement that canonised Kyle Rittenhouse for murdering two people, and mocked the bludgeoning of Nancy Pelosi’s husband, is now concerned with Democrats’ campaign language. Might I politely suggest that MAGA Republicans fuck off into the sun?
Happy Star Wars Day to all who celebrate! May the fourth be with you.
Currently watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and it is *amazing*. Season 1 contained some lovely riffs on Alien (by way of The Legacy of Heorot) and “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”, and the dedication at the end of Season 2 Episode 1 made me tear up. Extraordinary. 🖖
Look, I know it’s not exactly summery for it be raining all day in December, but I *like* the rain, and since I planned to be reading all weekend, anyway, it might as well be atmospheric & not have me lamenting the fact I’m not out in the nice weather. That is all. ☔️ =👍 📚🥃🥰
When you’re sending a family member your fast food order and your finger hits slightly to the right of where it should: “10 nuggets with BBW sauce and a regular chips please.” 😳
Okay. I haven’t been here much because I made a profile on here mainly against the day Twitter became unusable. I think that day is just about here. I expect to be much more present and active now that I’ve pretty much given up on Twitter.
I probably should be posting here more often but, honestly, I find social media absolutely fucking exhausting at the moment.
Well, my fellow Australians, we can all stop feeling superior about the state of US politics, because a majority of us has just fallen hook, line & sinker for the most base,Trumpian, lie-filled campaign. Post-truth politics has entered the Australian political discourse. 😔
Twitter is an absolute trash fire at the moment. Surely – surely! – it’s possible to unconditionally condemn a terrorist attack without wishing hellfire to rain down on innocent civilians. Condemnation of Hamas can coexist with sympathy for the Palestinian people. Surely.
I confess I’m feeling a little emotional over Daniel Andrews’ resignation. His time in charge wasn’t faultless but the dedication & courage with which he saw us through the pandemic – in the face of vicious & dishonest attacks from the LNP & News Corpse – was awe inspiring. Go well, sir.
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1923: Hitler’s failed coup. No real consequences. No fundamental changes. 1933: Hitler takes power. I wish I could implant this into everyone’s brain.
Just had a phone consultation with my doctor to renew a prescription. Total time: 1 minute. They better be bulk billing this …
Well, I’m sneezing again. I’d forgotten how much the lovely days of early spring are marred by the blossoming of the piss tree. 🤧😕
Oooh! This is Bruce Pennington’s cover for Citadel of the Autarch, book four of Gene Wolfe’s magnificent The Book of the New Sun sequence. Sci-fi & fantasy fans, if you haven’t checked this out, you’re in for a massive treat. Just brilliant. 📚👍
Art by: Bruce Pennington
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Throwback Thursday! Sexy school girl Jessi.😈 Reskeet if you love thick women.🥵 👑👠💰
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I'm at 169 (69 lol) followers and I'd love to get to 200 by the weekend! Any reskeets would be so appreciated.🥰
Just out of interest, is anyone else getting a lump in the throat and tears in the eyes watching the new #VoteYes ad with the John Farnham soundtrack? Fucking brilliant bit of work. Possibly the best Australian ad I’ve ever seen. 😭😭😭
Awesome to see how many super hot SWers are into D&D, but … why have I only started seeing this in the last few months? Have I been spectacularly unobservant (always possible!)? Or has there been some global RPG-outing force at work of late? Either way, I love it! 🎲🐉❤️
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✈️ SYDNEY ✈️ Due to a cancellation I have some more time available to see your cute butts next week! Currently I have availability on: Wed 30 Aug Thur 31 Aug Send me a love note via my website 💞
Sexually Suggestive
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So, as far as I can see from this and my other “It’s okay if the family see it” account, I seem to be running at about Following = 2 x Followers. Which is fine. Seems to be about par for the course for those of us who aren’t … prominent in our fields, shall we say. 😉
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✈️ Sydney: 29 Aug - 1 Sep ✈️ I have some limited pockets of time to scoop you up and cuddle you (or for you to scoop me, I go either way!). Get in touch via my website 💞
Sexually Suggestive
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Can’t help thinking social media (and the world in general) would be a lot nicer if more people developed the ability to just scroll past a photo they don’t find attractive without commenting. Too tall/short/fat/thin/masculine/feminine/whatever for you? Cool. But keep it to yourself, yeah?
I’m watching quite a lot of the #WomensWorldCup on Optus Sport, so I’m seeing the same ads again and again. And every time I see the Qantas ad with the guy living O/S who flies home as a surprise for his Mum’s 60th I tear up. Every. Single. Time. I’m such a sook. 😭😂
How long should one hold a grudge? Is it useful in protecting you from someone who once did you wrong & could again? Or does it ultimately end up hurting you more because the person you’re holding the grudge against almost certainly doesn’t even remember the incident but you’re all caught up in it?
Just a reminder that all relationships are subjective. My “that person was incredibly toxic to me” might be your “I’ve never known that person to be anything but lovely” and that’s okay. They’ve been lovely to you and horrible to me is all that means. You keep being friends while I avoid them. 🤷‍♂️
Brilliant. ‘Skippy’ Will never be the same again. 😂
Happy Tuesday! 😂 I can't unsee it now haha.