Porter Square Books

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Porter Square Books


Fiercely independent bookstore in Cambridge and Boston, MA

I used to get mad that I had to look at sci-fi and speculative fiction for some of the ways I think the world/work/relationships should be, but it turns out that’s actually just … the point. you get to see what other people imagine as possibilities and maybe you’re the one who can make it real.
Reading literature is a collaboration. Reader & text combine their individual resources to create something. Following that line, you could also think of reading as community building, an active & intentional togetherness. Which is why novels like these can also teach us about building a society.
Reading literature is a collaboration. Reader & text combine their individual resources to create something. Following that line, you could also think of reading as community building, an active & intentional togetherness. Which is why novels like these can also teach us about building a society.
Porter Square Books isn't the biggest book store in the world, but their stock is just so...tastefully curated. You're guaranteed to find something you like there. 🐴👍
Along those lines, if you're spending today thinking about our relationship to the narrative of history (who isn't amirite?) AND you'd like to support a very cool small press from Maine, you should check out The Case of Cem www.portersquarebooks.com/book/9789533...
The Case of Cem (Paperback) | Porter Square Bookswww.portersquarebooks.com It’s 1481, and as seen from the centers of power in Rome and Venice, the cultures of Europe are under threat from the expansion of the Ottoman Empire. When the exalted Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror dies...
I suppose you CAN celebrate independence day weekend in Boston without visiting an independent bookstore but I don't know why you would.
In case you're interested in a powerful American novel about volatile political times that is equal parts anger & hope, big picture & small moments, stylistic pyrotechnics & good old fashioned truth-telling, let me again bring I Hotel to your attention www.portersquarebooks.com/book/9781566...
I Hotel (Paperback) | Porter Square Bookswww.portersquarebooks.com Dazzling and ambitious, this multivoiced fusion of prose, playwriting, graphic art, and philosophy spins an epic tale of America's struggle for civil rights as it played out in San Francisco near the ...
We've got a little time on this Holiday-that-now-feels-very-weird-in-the-context-of-contemporary-events-so-maybe-something-else-to-think-about-for-a-minute-might-be-nice Eve. Who needs a book recommendation?
We're doing the whole 20% off a section in the store because we're turning 20 this fall thing in July. For this month the sections in the store on sale will be... .... ... ... Graphica! Both for adults & younger readers! Hooray sequential art!
Both locations will be closed tomorrow July 4 for the holiday so be sure to stop in today for the book you're going to sneak read at the BBQ today!
TOMORROW at 7pm EST, Rachel Zimmerman will be in conversation with Alysia Abbott to talk about Rachel Zimmerman's memoir, US, AFTER: A MEMOIR OF LOVE AND SUICIDE, at @portersqbooks.bsky.social! Make sure to RSVP here! buff.ly/3W05ein
Starting to read SLIPPING today for the below-mentioned little book club. Can’t wait to see where it goes!
Wake up! Wake up! Get up, it's the first of the month! (So check out a fresh batch of staff picks! www.portersquarebooks.com/staff_picks )
Staff Picks | Porter Square Bookswww.portersquarebooks.com
what you all need to know about this is that the 12-year-old in question left the bookstore saying “THAT WAS AMAZING” and dancing down the street
Me Recommending a Book to a 12-Year-Old Who Loves Science and Just Said Their Favorite Book is Dune: I would recommend The Martian by-- Said 12-Year-Old: I've read it. I loved it. Me Out Loud: Oh cool, give me a few minutes to look around for you. Me In My Brain: Fuck. OK. OK. Rally. RALLY!
Me Recommending a Book to a 12-Year-Old Who Loves Science and Just Said Their Favorite Book is Dune: I would recommend The Martian by-- Said 12-Year-Old: I've read it. I loved it. Me Out Loud: Oh cool, give me a few minutes to look around for you. Me In My Brain: Fuck. OK. OK. Rally. RALLY!
Friday is now today! If you've got a submission in progress that you don't think you'll be able to finish in the next few hours you can send me an email at josh@portersquarebooks. We've already got some great submissions! Can't wait to share them!
You know what, just go ahead and preorder Opacities. I know you've been waiting for something to bring you back to the headspace of Tone & you're going to have to wait a bit longer, but that headspace in on the way. www.portersquarebooks.com/book/9781593...
Opacities: On Writing and the Writing Life (Paperback) | Porter Square Bookswww.portersquarebooks.com Opacities is a book about writing, publishing, and friendship.
Don't forget to RSVP for Rachel Zimmerman's book launch event with Alysia Abbott, at @portersqbooks.bsky.social at 7pm EST on July 1st! Make sure to RSVP here! buff.ly/4cjDmLQ
Josh in the back office doing shipping, special order processing, & online order follow up, so super exciting stuff. I could PROBABLY tear myself away to give a recommendation or two. You know, for the people.
Friday is now tomorrow! Form will close in the evening (maybe 7). If you've got something in progress & might not make it, send an email to [email protected] with a pitch. We've already got some great submissions, but I want to validate anyone who has been working on/thinking about Gladman!
I feel strongly about but also a little vulnerable about this topic, because I came up in the 2000s writing movie reviews, and film bros were unbearably attached to authoritative voice—which I think can be a block when it comes to writing/watching/experiencing more varied art. So:
The Joy of Reading Books You Don't Entirely Understand - Reactorreactormag.com It really should be acceptable and normal to say “I don’t entirely understand what I just read, but I loved it.”
It's 8:37 one Thursday morning and do you know why I dog-eared this page? That line is pretty good. So is that one. Was this from when I was paying a lot of attention to how authors use color? Or place names? I must have had a reason.