
If old man Biden can't win, you know that antishippers will start turning us in to the police. They already want to, and project 2025 will give them the means. Treat them like Nazis now.because they are and will immediately become informants
If you're wondering wich of your friends are gonna work for the nazis, look for the ones who are already advocating for ththe smart things as the Nazis and already attacking queer people for Nazi ideals, when if under a thin veil of socia justice
Look for the ones who havn't deprogrammed themselves from the authoritarian sexual attitudes society and particularly religion forces on us. Look for the ones who are already throwing people under the bus to be "one of the good ones"
We ca'ttolerate them anymore because we wouldn't tolerate Nazis and the diffrence is already thin and will disappear entirely if fascists win an election aginst a party that fumbles easy wins.