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Furry Artist and Animator.
Subjects being Vore, Macro, Transformation and fantasy-esque

Links: 🐾-
Just a preview of of the character I will be using for art fight. 1 being a new face and another being cameo.
Current dilemma: "Hmm, what should I play. I could play Phantom Brave to continue the grind and story. Should I play Etrian Odyssey to continue the grind and story. Or should I play Balders Gate to continue the grind and story...." What are these options I gave myself 😂
Comms for the month are done, but s sudden flu got me bed ridden for a few days, should be back in working order in a day or two
So far, coin flip landed on team Sea foam. So I'll be making some quick refs for the art fight. preview two combatants out of the chosen 5 after some sleep
Got some works dropping on my Fa tomorrow, but today gonna use this time to make some images for art fight. Which I will be making through out the week. So I may drop who they are on here once done as like a preview
A little torn on what side to choose for the up coming art fight. On one half, I like space, but in the other half, the colors sea are really nice....or could be really nice. I already have characters selected for both but might let a coin flip decide it all. 🤔
Hoping to get these 2 comms done this month in prep for next month. Going to try and do this Art Fight thing for my first time. Which means I can't take comms for most of the month. Or at least, nothing intensive. Still, looking forward to it. ☺️
Just saw the Nintendo direct. I would be losing over a new Phantom Brave entry. But I am at half excitement cause man that frame rate looks rough. If it comes to PC I'll get it there. 😅 That aside, the direct has some good stuff.
Why hasn't anyone told me that the boxing anime IPPO was so enduring. Really enjoying the watch so far.
Did some more practice. I think I'm getting the grasp of structuring them. Still can't get a few things, but at least they don't look terrible in my standards. And that's a big goodie. Now to practice on paws. I got a big struggle with them. 😅
Going to do some foot practice today to keep up the progress I made yesterday
Got myself some interesting things to work on next week. Pretty excited to get to them after the weekend. Plus, these little 3 panel strips are pretty fun but only got three so far. 😕 Gotta step it up
Another little sketch, now with some scenery and perspective practice. Biggest hurdle, I can't figure out where to go with trees 😞 I could do more but proper backgrounds is rough to make.
Did a lil comic sketch before bed of My alien and cyborg mew.
Reposted byAvatar PrairieGoblins
With the new influx of furs, I figure it'd be good to go through how to mark content as NSFW on BlueSky. Marking your content as NSFW is super important and helps ensure content isn't shown to folks who don't want to see it or who shouldn't - it also makes it easier to find for those who do :) 1/4
Will be spending most of today drawing for Valentine's day. I don't got a lot of couples for OCs so might pull from friends.
Had a pretty good day today. Did some animation practice and worked on a comm that I feel happy to say will be worth the effort. Made some good breakfast spread for dinner and did some dailies on ff14. Though I didn't talk alot to friends, was still a good day all and all.
Finally got around to updating prices. Can't believe it took me so long to do it but as the saying goes, better late than never. Now to see how things shape up from here. I won't advertise on bluesky but will think on maybe posting sketches here so at least there is something here.
Was a bit busy all yesterday, but it goes without saying. 🎊 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎊
I know I have been silent for some time, but here I am breaking the silence with a MERRY CHRISTMAS. Stream to the feel some extra festive fills.
Gonna eat first before I start working again. It's already late so might just do some thumbnails.
Today went pretty well. Gonna do another tomorrow
Yeah, I think I'm gonna stream today. Just to get back into the fill of it
I may or may not stream on picarto. Still unsure. But really looking forward to the rest of this month. Might do some kerbal art, or maybe give some love to pluq and ghodule. So many options. Guess time will tell.
Big day today. No more comms on my plate, so now I can just goof about all month long. So it's time to draw for me. YIPPIE!!
So I'm a bit of not just plain upset. I had a good sum of generous comms set up before the New Year, but thanks to family and my pops taking over my computer, I'm likely working into next year at this pace.
I'm not sure how folks do it, but being a social butterfly is so weird to try. How do people do this social stuff. 😅
Gotta love coming back home from the holidays only to become bed ridden. Gotta love that.
The day has came and I can say it went well. Now to spend some time with the family til Sunday 😌