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Come work with us! Our annual Labour Reporting Internship job posting is open until tomorrow, Friday June 21 before midnight PT. Know a young journalist looking to kickstart their career? Details on eligibility and how to apply are below:
Here's How to Apply for Our Summer 2024 Labour Reporting Come work with us!
Pierre Poilievre meets with far-right extremist group at Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border. “Everyone’s happy with what you’re doing,” Poilievre tells conspiratorial fringe group camped out on side of highway. #cdnnews
Pierre Poilievre Meets with Far-Right Extremist Group at Nova Scotia-New Brunswick “Everyone’s happy with what you’re doing,” Poilievre tells conspiratorial fringe group camped out on side of highway
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones insists Pierre Poilievre is “saying the same things as me.” The InfoWars host responded to a Liberal MP’s video by crediting the Conservative leader for validating his conspiracies about the “globalist agenda.” #cdnnews
Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Insists Pierre Poilievre is ‘Saying The Same Things as Me’ InfoWars host credits Pierre Poilievre for validating his conspiracies about the ‘globalist agenda’
ICYMI: Right-wing media personality Derek Fildebrandt is going viral after posting a “weird” and “creepy” video recorded inside an airport washroom. Ottawa’s Airport says it is aware of the video recording and referring complaints to police. #cdnnews
Right-Wing Media Personality Goes Viral After Posting 'Weird' and 'Creepy' Video Recorded Inside Airport Ottawa International Airport Authority says it is referring complaints about video recordings in its public washrooms to police
Reposted byAvatar PressProgress
Last October, reported Simon Fraser University hired Lions Gate Risk Management Group to watch striking teaching assistants and other workers. We wanted to know more. Why was this necessary and what were they looking for? (2/9)
Simon Fraser University Hires Controversial Private Investigation Firm to Film Striking Education SFU hires Lions Gate Risk Management to surveil strike action across three university campuses
A motion calling for ceasefire and an end to arms exports to Israel was amended at the 11th hour to take out some key provisions. Here’s which Members of Parliament voted ‘no’ on the motion. #cdnpoli
Here’s which Members of Parliament voted ‘no’ on a motion for ceasefire and ending arms exports to The motion was amended at the 11th hour to take out some key provisions
One Vancouver city councillor says it is time for the city to consider a regulatory framework for psychedelics, after a mushroom dispensary had its business license reinstated during a council hearing last week. “There is a role for that activism from the city.”
City councillor says regulatory framework needed for psychedelics in “There is a role for that activism from the city.”
RCMP confirms hundreds on a UCP voter list told police they had “no knowledge” they ever voted. The RCMP ended a 5-year investigation into UCP voter fraud allegations despite finding “clear evidence” that “suspicious votes” were cast. #ableg #cdnpoli
RCMP Confirms Hundreds On UCP Voter List Told Police They Had ‘No Knowledge’ They Ever RCMP ends five-year investigation into UCP voter fraud allegations after hitting dead-ends in determining who cast fake votes
Reposted byAvatar PressProgress
Most people know Ed Broadbent as a political party leader, but he also pursued social and democratic change outside partisan politics in academia and civil society. Luke Savage, who co-authored Broadbent's book "Seeking Social Democracy," joined me on our podcast to help explain Broadbent's ideas.
Ed Broadbent Spent a Lifetime Seeking Democracy, Equality and Real Luke Savage explains how Ed Broadbent devoted his life to a struggle for democratic and egalitarian principles
Pierre Poilievre’s newly elected Conservative MP attacked Doug Ford’s government in a bizarre by-election victory speech. Newly elected Conservative MP Jamil Jivani denounced his former employer as ‘liberal elites’. #cdnnews
Pierre Poilievre's Newly Elected Conservative MP Attacks Doug Ford’s Government in Bizarre Victory Newly elected Conservative MP Jamil Jivani denounces former employer as ‘liberal elites’ after by-election win
Stay tuned for an announcement tomorrow, November 15, involving journalism outlets across Canada, including,,, Pivot QC, The Resolve News, The Hoser, The Maple, Harbinger Media, and more.
Reposted byAvatar PressProgress
Reposted byAvatar PressProgress
A dozen members of the conspiratorial “Save the Children Convoy” were invited into the House of Commons today claiming to be “VIP” guests of Conservative MP Arnold Viersen. Viersen’s office declined comment when I called them. Shortly after, the convoy people suddenly got kicked out of Parliament.
'Save the Children Convoy' Says Conservative MP Invited Them Into House of Commons as 'VIP' Conspiratorial ‘Save the Children Convoy’ invited into House of Commons before suddenly getting kicked out
NEW: ‘Save the Children Convoy’ says Conservative MP invited them into House of Commons as ‘VIP’ guests two days after meeting with convoy. The convoy group, which has called for jailing MPs, was kicked out following questions by #cdnnews
'Save the Children Convoy' Says Conservative MP Invited Them Into House of Commons as 'VIP' Conspiratorial ‘Save the Children Convoy’ invited into House of Commons before suddenly getting kicked out
The leader of the ‘Save the Children Convoy’ called for jailing politicians and replacing Canada’s government in a QAnon-inspired speech. Multiple convoy supporters have also promoted QAnon-linked slogans and narratives.
‘Save the Children Convoy’ Leader Calls for Jailing Politicians and Replacing Government in Far-right convoy group has had repeat run-ins with the law during two weeks of chaotic protests in Ottawa
Take Back Alberta’s leader is blaming “woke mobs” for being removed from a British foundation’s board of directors. David Parker claims the “globalist” Ditchley Foundation fired him for hosting an event for an anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theorist. #cdnnews
Take Back Alberta Leader Blames ‘Woke Mob’ After Getting Kicked Off Elite Foundation’s Take Back Alberta leader David Parker claims he is a victim of cancel culture after getting fired from an elite British foundation’s board
The BC United Party Claims BC’s Government Is Funding Drug Dealers. No, Actually They Are Not. Experts say BC United Party is wilfully misrepresenting funds received by local community group.
The BC United Party Claims BC’s Government Is Funding Drug Dealers. No, Actually They Are Experts say BC United Party is wilfully misrepresenting funds received by local community group
NEW: The far-right ‘Save the Children Convoy’ is currently gathering at a rural base camp outside Ottawa. Leaders of the convoy, which revolves around various pedophile conspiracies, say they are planning daily marches through Ottawa. #cdnnews
Far-Right ‘Save the Children Convoy’ Gathering at Rural Base Camp Outside Pedophile conspiracy convoy says it is planning daily marches to 'shut down Ottawa'
NEW: A Manitoba PC campaign adviser is promoting Trump-style election fraud claims before voting day. On a far-right livestream, the Manitoba PC adviser spread conspiratorial claims about labour unions and Elections Manitoba voting machines. #cdnnews
Manitoba PC Campaign Adviser Promoting Trump-Style Election Fraud Claims Before Voting Controversial adviser recently welcomed back to Manitoba PC campaign
Heather Stefanson has ‘no plan’ to fix Manitoba’s healthcare system, advocates say. Healthcare advocates and workers say Stefanson’s staffing strategy is nothing more than “numbers on a website.” #cdnnews
Heather Stefanson Has ‘No Plan’ To Fix Manitoba’s Healthcare System, Advocates Staffing strategy nothing more than “numbers on a website”
Manitoba PC candidate claims NDP wants to give away ‘free heroin for criminals’. Community groups say Manitoba PC rhetoric is demonizing drug users and putting their safety at risk. #cdnnews
Manitoba PC Candidate Claims NDP Wants to Give Away ‘Free Heroin For Criminals’ Community groups say Manitoba PC candidate’s rhetoric is demonizing drug users and putting their safety at risk
Manitoba PC leader Heather Stefanson took out a full-page ad in the Winnipeg Free Press declaring she will never support the search of a local landfill for the remains of two Indigenous women believed murdered by an alleged serial killer. #cdnnews
Heather Stefanson Launches Ads Declaring She Will Never Search Landfill For Remains of Murdered Manitoba PC leader Heather Stefanson is running partisan ads politicizing search for Indigenous women believed murdered by a serial killer