S. Sommers

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S. Sommers


Studying Histories of Race and Reading in America | Contingent Academic | #C19AmLit | @UCLA PhD | VP for Membership & Organizing UCONN-AAUP | she/her | 🏳️‍🌈 | #1u
Shoutout to my incredible @UConnAAUP comrade Prof Andrea Celli who staged a 1-man protest at the Provost’s Office Hours yesterday. Proud to protest manufactured austerity alongside this hero.
April 17 is a National Day of Action for higher ed. If you’re at #UConn join us at the BoT to make the case that we cannot fix our budget problems by increasing class size and cutting grad programs #aaup @aftunion.bsky.social
The point of public universities is to create and share new knowledge, not revenue streams.
Thrilled to announce a Day of Action in Honor of the #UConn Board of Trustees this Weds 2/28. Join us and share widely…! docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… #stopthecuts #fundourfuturect
This is Toby. He’s giving us his mad face. I told him CT higher ed is facing $140m & $70m budget shortfalls EVEN THO we have $3B+ in the state’s Rainy-Day fund.
UConn faculty staff and grad unions held an informational picket yesterday at Storrs. Distributed 1000 flyers and got great earned media from CT news orgs & the student newspaper! Turns out cutting academic budgets by 15-19% is unpopular!
Just before break our union learned UConn Admin is following the WVU & UNH playbook courtesy Huron Consulting. 15-19% across-the-board cuts to academic depts starting F'24. Our only path to prevent disaster is collective action. Come to our picket 2–4PM Tues at Storrs #stopthecuts #fundourfutureCT
A little over 30 months ago we adopted this old girl while living in AL. She’s been an important mentor—stingy with her approval, often aloof, yet always reminding us that no one, and especially not her, should work for free. “It’s time go out? I’ll need a treat if you want me to stand up, thx.”
This is Mags. She rules the couch and continually reminds us that she is very unimpressed.
End of feed.