
This is 100% true and also it is not the way that history and social studies are taught to USian students. So this is not something that most people think or understand.
For most of its history, America hasn’t been a democracy, by any meaningful definition of the term! This isn’t some It Can’t Happen Here shit, in a way, it’s already happened. It just may not have directly affected you.
"Since we are a democracy, all this authoritarian shit we constantly do must be legit" is basically the logic on which the whole west operates.
I got cornered by people campaigning against wind power and a part of their pitch they thought would trick me into thinking they’re not predatory land developers was explaining how America was a republic and not a democracy. I ended up pretending like I didn’t know English mid conversation and left
Part of my wonders why we can’t teach history backwards like “hey your grandparents couldn’t vote and definitely couldn’t attend Harvard or Yale and it’s only gonna get worse the further back we go!”
I agree with you 100%. And it is important to still work towards it as both possible and an important goal and teach that is a continuation of ongoing work.
It was the way it was taught to millennials it's just forgotten because no one cared to pay attention.