
Theoretically, yes, but we ALSO have to be aware that black folks (and black women in particular) are treated much more harshly by the courts even in pretty clear cut self defense cases and are far more likely to be shot during a traffic stop when legally armed. Police are bastards at every step.
if you are carrying, legally or not, i don't care, do not say you're armed unless you're being detained. during a traffic stop, telling a pig you're armed is just giving them a reason to kill you.
I am as white as can be, though trans. Only time I have been pulled over in my restrictive state since getting CCL, he didn’t ask and state law somehow doesn’t require me to announce it, so I didn’t.
if it's not the law, there's no reason why you should. if you're white, that makes it less likely that you'll be shot for no reason, but tell Daniel Shaver that he's statistically not as likely to be murdered by cops. stay safe, and don't say shit to pigs!
I have a permit, it requires I tell cops in any stop if I am armed & where it is. Have had this discussion with several police officers, many times, I’m still alive haven’t been shot and haven’t even been arrested. I am Hispanic, but my father married a white woman, and I kind of look white.
my man, your name is Alfred Montestruc