The Professional Internet Bum

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The Professional Internet Bum

Berkeley gutterpunk turned Graybeard anarcho-socialist.

Don't cite the deep shitposts to me, I was there when they were written.

He/Him, Trans Rights, ACAB.
A boy becomes a man when he realizes Elon Musk is not someone to admire or emulate.
I'm angry he missed. I'm angry it's going to be used to further a fascist campaign. I'm angry that, instead of enjoying my retirement and painting my silly little guys, I need to either flee my country, or get strapped and deal with fascists.
"I'm 0 for 1 with swords, but let's give it another go." --Aerith Gainsborough.
LONDON (AP) — European Union says social media site X's blue checks are deceptive and transparency falls short under digital rules.
You can say he's old, and tired, and I'll agree with you. You know what he doesn't have? A detailed plan to turn the United States into a dictatorship and create factories designed exclusively to kill. So maybe shut the fuck up with the 2024 edition of 'But Her emails' and vote.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
Look, cards on the table; The US has maybe 10-15 years before petroleum distillate is beyond the budget of average workers. We need electrified rail using sustainable energy sources, work from home for the majority of jobs, walkable cities, and delivery options for things you order.
Leaving #guncontrol to the states is like having a peeing section of a public pool.
I spent too much time on this shitty meme. But I am really proud of France.
#airbnb and other short-term rentals have no moral justification. Anything other than owning a single domicile you personally live in exploits someone else's labor. If you're that hard to run a hotel, run a hotel and pay the taxes for it.
Las Vegas is an unsustainable city in the middle of the god damned desert. It exists only through a constant stream of supplies rushing to it hourly, day and night. Vegas has no moral justification for its existence, it is the golf course of local municipalities.
Today is the only day you're allowed to wave an American flag and not look like a fascist weirdo, even then I'm giving you a serious side-eye. Flags are for government buildings, only. Don't fly one at your house, it's weird.
To the fucking mindless drones who have bodied me since the 90s about why I don't like Gaiman and always thought he was an egotistical creep since the moment I met him, please form an orderly queue on the left-hand side to kiss my fucking ass.
Neil Gaiman Denies Sexual Assault Allegations Made by Two Neil Gaiman denied allegations that he sexually assaulted two women who accused him of 'rough and degrading sex' in a new investigation.
So working on another #OPR army, this time we're going Great Value $Nurgle. I don't like the 'chest cold' color scheme, but rust? Rust looks good.
So in 'I fucking hate it here' news: The hospital cancelled the appointment I've waited a year for because the doctor that was replacing the doctor who left, has left. Then the hospital just decided 'meh, who needs to inform patients?' So now I gotta wait until *next year*.
Funny, I don't feel like celebrating independence day this year, since small minded psychopaths have decided only conservatives can be absolute kings, but anyone to the left of 'hunt Poors for sport' isn't allowed to hold office.
I'm old enough to remember when you could just call a place, place an order, and say 'can you send that to me? Thanks!', and it would just arrive, by someone working at that business. Not a third party vulture capitalist business charging 8 times the price and claiming employees aren't people.
I'm beginning to dislike #class-based #ttrpgs. They have a bad tendency to ape #MMORPGs mechanics. No class should be forced to be the tank or the healer or the DPS. Pigeonholing is anathema to good character design. That being said, a Bard tanking would be funny...
So #SCOTUS is powerless to stop pollution from crossing state lines, But can't fall over themselves fast enough to stop a pregnant teen from crossing state lines for an abortion. Is that what I'm seeing from the fascists these days? I gotta immigrate...
Ok, my friends (and ) this shit is not OK. Block them until Bsky Safety nukes their account. We left this shit behind on The Other Site.
I'm just gonna go ahead and reach for the Nuclear Option...
Post an image people will hear when they see it
Avatar Whoooooboy that was one hell of a push notification to come across. I know I'm up there in years but wasn't expecting to see you just yet...
So it looks like I'm about to be handed a bunch of #Nurgle CSM and #Blightkings. But standard 'chest cold' grossness of Papa Nurgle doesn't catch me. And then I remembered Dirty Down Rust. The screeching an army of rusted armor would make would be terrifying. Example image found online...
"I am he As you are he As you are me And we are all together..." Yes, John. We're all very happy you're in a polycule, now.
I've been seeing a lot of I Am Very Smart people (you know, shitlibs) on here grasping at straws to defend their opinions to not vote for Biden. They're wrong and dumb, but I've seen them. People saying Biden has 'done nothing' are willfully stupid. Don't be willfully stupid.
Anyone else notice that US LEO groups are strangely against gun control? It's almost like these dipshits grew up in a post-9/11 world where the fascist militarization of policing was completed, and these idiots think the real world plays like a COD lobby.
So if I'm going to assemble #PrimarisSpaceMarines, I'm doing it my way. 9mm stainless bearings for bubble helmets, and mk III shoulders for that slightly archaic look. (And some 3d print Space Wolf shoulder icons) #40k #OnePageRules