
one of my most libertarian beliefs is that we should pretty much let everyone do what they want, subject to medical safety and hygiene best practices, in terms of cosmetic chest surgeries. people just really like being able to change their chests
surprise! more data that gender-affirming procedures on minors are rare, and mostly breast reductions (and, way fewer than cosmetic breast surgery on cis female minors) cc
you think you want them bigger? satisfaction rates near 100% you think you want them smaller? same same
might this suggest some wider inferences about gender affirmation, in whatever direction people would like their gender affirmed? who can say, it is a mystery
If they had a sure fire way to give men bigger dicks that still worked as well as before I bet you’d see a ton of guys getting it done and, assuming it really was safe & effective, probably have a very high satisfaction rate!
right, the main problem there is that we’re not very good at building bigger dicks
Sure we are, it's just that not everyone can go to Wharton.
There’s a Nobel prize in medicine out there for the surgeon that figures it out! Probably not really but that person will become very very rich
Something Something beat a path to your door