
I think he’s done a really good job as President, far exceeding my expectations in progressive directions
I feel like the main political divide on this website is between “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I hate him” and “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I will crawl over broken glass to vote for a rancid ham sandwich against Donald Trump” very few people are actually huge fans of the guy
on domestic policy he’s been much much better than I expected but Gaza is a pretty overwhelming negative
I kind of feel like people who blame Gaza on Biden underestimate the int'l arms market. Ie Biden could control Bibi by withholding arms. I think it's the opposite; Biden's only hope at mitigating Bibi's insanity is to not completely cut him off and make him buy bombs from China.
Right! Before the war Israel had like 2% of the arms export market and .001% of the population.