
listen i'm not saying GIMP is useless but i am saying it's a misrepresentation to act like it's a perfectly acceptable 100% replacement for Photoshop and that its interface isn't totally fuckin busted. like sorry but i have been on Computer since 1994 and it is among the worst UIs i have ever seen
if you've *only* ever used GIMP it's a fish not knowing it's wet sort of situation, but for anyone coming in from PS it's more akin to hitting the water at terminal velocity
Every few years I go "I should learn GIMP" and I struggle along and stop after about 6 months trying to get it to do what I want. I've used so many different photo manipulation and art softwares since the 90s and GIMP remains the least easy to navigate and operate
Me every half decade: Surely they've improved the workflo- no somehow there are even more arcane steps okay fine
Literally my experience. "Surely it can't still be awf ... oh! Oh, oh really?"
i used gimp a lot as a kid and have been using it again since my old pirated copy of photoshop stopped working, and like, for better or for worse it mostly still feels the same as when i used it in high school forever ago. it was like relearning to ride a bike but it has octagon shaped wheels