
If anyone at Paramount has any brains left, they really need to do some kind of forensic investigation as to how Prodigy Season 2 got jettisoned. This season was top fucking quality in every facet of production. It really boggles the mind.🖖 #StarTrek #StarTrekProdigy
I can only speak for myself, but what they did with Prodigy was one of the most efficient torchings of good will that I've ever experienced.
It just makes no goddam sense after actually watching S2. It's clear that they don't actually care about the product, but about accounting tricks and these dumb tax savings of theirs.
They did that whole "Home of Star Trek" "All of Star Trek in one place" thing then tried to play that game with a Star Trek property. It boggles the mind.
I'm particularly upset when they do that with shows aimed at kids. The whole idea is taking something that people have loved for decades and giving those people a way to share it with their kids... and you thought people wouldn't get angry?
"Paramount: The Broken-Home of Star Trek." I've yet to make a meme or draw this, so, anybody interested, have at it. ✌🏻