
I can't wait until Disney buys Star Trek, so The Doctor can finally meet The Doctor. #StarTrek #DoctorWho
Is it weird that I'm conflicted by the prospect of Disney buying Star Trek? I need whomever owns it to recognize its worth and give it the attention it deserves, without overfeeding fans and watering it down... while ALSO not canceling shows after 1 goddamn season.
I'm not as conflicted as I used to be. I've generally enjoyed how they've been treating Star Wars and this first season of Who. Although, if they made Trek do eight-episode seasons with live-action episodes as short as 28-minutes, I'd probably go apeshit.
lol fair. Like, if a show is intended to be a limited run, I'm fine with that. I watch a lot of British TV. Limited run series can be amazing IF that's their intention. I don't think #Prodigy was ever intended to be limited; they had more to tell from the get. Give em a chance to tell their story. 🫤
I'm glad to hear Disney is handling the Star Wars series well. We're so far behind on our watchlist. I had to step away from Marvel because IMO the writing became lackluster. I think, chronologically, we're somewhere around Guardians 3?
Ya, I gave up on the MCU eventually too. There's comes a point when there's only so much story to tell. I really wish they would have gone on hiatus for a few years after Infinity War. They became a victim of their own success.
In the Trek universe, it's not canon unless it's been on screen. I suspect Doctor Who may be the same given the vast amounts of written content for that franchise, just like with Star Trek. (i.e. It would be impossible for writer rooms to make sure canon fits everything that's ever been written)
Sorry, I should have specified "in canon." Yes, I'm aware of the crossover comics.🤣🖖🏿