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I’m sorry but age is simply never going to be a reason anyone for in power to step down. Only people that want something else and know they won’t get it care about their quality of life. The Feinsteins and Bidens of this country don’t answer to anyone but their telomeres.
Everything I’ve learned about Keir starmer I’ve learned against my will. I’ve only retained his name but that’s still way too much.
to tea is to tea per sieved
“You think that’s air you’re breathing now?”
Why did the gardener in the sopranos get so much screen time?
After dexter, I was totally certain I had seen the most annoying sister character in a tv show. Then Janice cartwheeled in during a sopranos run and now I have to rethink everything.
“If you don’t think before you react, you let others dictate”
Paul Schrader makes movies that everyone should see but no one should keep physical copies of in their house
“The king is seen by reflection”
I’m so tired of this dynamic on social media where im forced to look at something that sucks because the guy that stole it called it bad first. can you just make something good instead
Feels like someone left the back door open at the meeting to decide what “theater” should mean. Movies, Musicals, and…Battlefields? Who pushed that one through?
Not sure why people are so confused by cricket. The top number is your systolic and the bottom is your diastolic. They both matter but the bottom is more important.
“If the point of a rose was to last forever, it’d be made of stone, right?”
Getting walnuts and almonds as a gift is like getting homework from a tree
Why is there a chasm 6 times as deep as the fucking Grand Canyon on mars
Trevor Noah on comedians in Cars..i apologize. I was unfamiliar with your game. Bro called Jerry a colonizer to his face on his own show.
Just found out the reason ISIS doesn’t attack Israel is because their stated purpose is purely to destabilize Muslim governments, which tracks perfectly and leaves 0 room for doubt about who these shitheads really are and who’s paying them
Everyone complains about Duolingo’s notifications but at least they know when to take the hint. Not once in my life have I cared what Netflix or Postmates were doing but there they are, every day. The worst is AliExpress, which always wants to talk about everything but where my package is.
i think im past the point of being able to believe people who say they voted for trump because they wanted to drain the swamp or root for an antihero....just say you don't like paying taxes and move on with your life....
Nothing like opening photos to make a slideshow to study from only to be fully derailed by symbols of a future long abandoned. I love technology.
when you download an app and it gives you instructions on how to set up a shortcut to make it functional at all...what are you trying to pull here man. be functional or dont exist.
Binary attention span got me watching there will be blood on my phone in the car for 90 minutes
Think I need to set hard hours for when I can start a movie. Realizing now that if I can watch something for 20 minutes, I won’t want to do anything else until it’s over.
there's a really interesting sequence in john mulaney's episode of letterman's netflix show where it's almost like they were taking turns making each other look visibly uncomfortable discussing the other's relationships with their parents.
Greatest movie poster ever
“Does anyone need an interpreter” he said…in English..
It bothers me when people say their hormones or drugs made them do something. Not because it’s untrue but because it ignores the reality that emotions are already unreliable. Part of maturity is understanding that your emotions don’t define you unless you believe you are beholden to them by default.
A tarantula hawk is a spider wasp
Kinda fucked that anyone named their charity or hospital after st. jude. Feels like you’re saying the quiet part out loud when you’re branding yourself alongside the patron saint of lost causes.