
I missed that Barbra Streisand weighed in on chevron
I am no fan of Loper but it's kind of hilarious seeing all these folks rally to the defense of a doctrine that was announced to help smooth Reagan-era deregulation.
There’s certainly a deeply realist line running from 80s Reaganite pollution regs to the Obama era to yesterday but of course by 2002 Chevron wasn’t really Chevron it was Chevron-Mead
It's an amazing coincidence Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia 180'd on Chevron Deference some time around 2009 The timing worked out great, do you think?
Streisand effect!!!
To me, the worst part of all is that, at least in the short term, there’s little to nothing that can be done to curb the excesses of this SC. Dems really need to win the trifecta this November in order for any meaningful reforms to be implemented.
🎶 Can it be that it was all so simple then? / Or has time rewritten every line? If we had the chance to do it all again / Tell me, would we, would we, Could we, could we? / Memories / May be beautiful and yet / What's too painful to remember / We simply choose to forget 🎶
The time to come out and 'weigh in' was months ago. They've decided and it's final. Until, unless we can get Term Limits or a few mor justices on the court. Better, term limits. Kick these guys out. New rational justices. Now it's too late when all this crap is decided. Against the people & country.
The time to weigh in is every two years, like clockwork. If people of conscience are not voting in every federal election, we end up with a radically skewed legislative branch (Senate specifically) which leads to a radically skewed judiciary. It’s not too late, but the window is closing.
What’s up doc? Well, a small group of people who have nowhere near the scientific background that I do have “overruled” my findings. Oh! Oh my goodness! That’s terrible!
Those beneficiaries and also judges. Lawyers maybe? Biglaw ones