Stacey Martin

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Stacey Martin

PhD candidate at the Australian National University. My own views. Tweets @quakedetective 🇮🇳 🇦🇺

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Pet peeve: People who converse in whispers in libraries 😤 😡 🧐
Last months until PhD thesis submission and the stress, worry, imposter syndrome and "have I done enough?", "Is it all crap?" come and go like a harbour filling and emptying during a large tsunami. 👨🏾‍🎓 😓 🤯
What on earth did I just wake up to? 🫥 🫥 🫥
Is that a swarm underway in the Port Hedland, WA, area?
M4.5 in Hingoli district in central Maharashtra in south-central India. This is the second event in this magnitude range in this general region since March. Given the location, there could be minor damage, but this will definitely have been felt in many parts of Marathwada.
Temporary escape from the Planet of the PhD Thesis
What many people do not understand about celebrity scientists is that there is a lot going on behind the scenes, visible and known to colleagues, that is hidden behind a false public persona. Or should I say, plenty of smoke and mirrors are at play. 😔 😥 🧑🏾‍
The M4.5-4.8 earthquake NNE of Basmat and SSE of Hingoli in the state of Maharashtra at ~6:10 AM Indian Standard Time is one of the strongest earthquakes in the Marathwada region in south-central India in many, many, many years. 🇮🇳
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nice article in AGU EOS about the 'promise and problems' of using turbidite deposits as recorders of past earthquakes — a great example of why it's so important to study fundamental processes — these records could be very important for assessing risk, but much more to learn ⚒️
Phrase for the week: Angst haben vor..... 😴 😶 🙄 😨 😱
My PhD journey so far in (too many) emojis: 2020: 🇸🇬 😭 🦠 ✈️ 🇦🇺 😷 📰 🦘 2021: 🧐 📰 💉 🐍 💻 🔒 🍟 📰 2022: 💻📰 🧐 💉 📰 💔 😭 🍟 2023: 💕 🧐 📰 💻 😭 🍟 🐍 🥇 2024: 🪫 🍟 😭 🍟 😱 ✍️ 😭 🍟
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A magnitude 3.5 earthquake just occurred near Silverdale, west of Sydney NSW. Head to Geoscience Australia’s website to report what you felt
"Can I just say" this is such standard Aussie lingo 🇦🇺 🦘 🐨
Just. Keep. Swimming. And. Swearing. Simultaneously. #endofPhD
Post-paper submission blues are very real 😔😥🧪
This is gold for social media: ".... the verdict can be viewed more optimistically as appropriately directing matters of opinion to blogs and opinion columns while matters of scientific disagreement are handled in the literature of scientific record."
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SEISMIC HISTORY: Archival Seismological Research 🔥SSA has made 11 papers on the topic of Archival Seismological Research FREELY available for the next two weeks!🔥 Links to papers in thread (1/n)
Odd but not out of the ordinary in southern Kalimantan (Borneo). I wonder if the 65km depth will hold up as more instrumental observations come in. (
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Where is Kirrilly? 🌀 🧪 🦺
Mw 7.0 earthquake along the China-Kyrgystan border. This is probably a rare instance (?) of a shallow earthquake in Central Asia (and not the Hindukush) being felt as far as the Delhi region. My guess is these effects are mainly from high-rise apartment buildings in Delhi, Gurugram, and Noida.
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Do you know what the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) ( is and how it has successfully developed unique services over almost 50 years? Find out here:
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Congratulate yourself on getting this far. Take a minute to be proud of yourself ❤️
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Macroseismic observations are an integral part of my research. They can be subjective (as some of you will rightfully point out!), which stems from interpreting written accounts. Without first-hand experience or videos such as this, the capricious nature of severe ground motion is hard to gauge.
【地震の瞬間】家の壁が崩れ…激しく揺れる電線 立ちすくむ人も 能登� 1月1日に石川県能登半島で最大震度7を観測した地震で、地震発生の瞬間に石川県穴水町を走行中の車内から撮影された地震発生時の映像です。��...
Be the change you wish to see in this world. Be it academia (I write this primarily from that POV), or elsewhere. Do unto others as you would like done to you. Stand up for yourself too but know when to say enough is enough. You matter. Your physical & mental health does. Your life does too. 🪫🔋⚒️🧪