Richard K Morgan

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Richard K Morgan

Ageing futurist, still commits occasional fantasy. Novels, games, comics, streaming TV. "The High Priest of Violent Science Fiction" - Guardian
Minimum age required to purchase alcohol in Minnesota - 21. "Look, lads, you're clearly not mature enough to trust with a six pack of Bud or a pint of Jim Beam, but you *can* own and carry a machine specifically designed for killing humans........ Knock yourselves out!" Only in America. 🙄
A federal appeals court ruled Minnesota’s ban preventing residents ages 18 to 20 from carrying handguns in public is unconstitutional, upholding a district-court decision that said the Second Amendment right to bear arms should apply to all adults.
Minnesota’s age restriction to carry handguns is unconstitutional, court A federal appeals court ruled that Minnesota residents ages 18 to 20 should be able to publicly carry handguns under the Second Amendment.
Recall reading somewhere by that mother birds feeding cuckoos are not *fooled* by the parasite, but compelled, in much the way a man masturbating over a picture of a naked woman is not *fooled*. The cuckoo's cry and open beak simply hack the mother's brain. 1/2
Trump's dangerous in the way an enraged bull is dangerous. Dumb, destructive, the perfect vehicle for fascism so long as it gets him what HE wants. But Vance is a scarier kind of dangerous altogether. He's SS Einsatzgruppen dangerous.
Frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack
Frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack
Lots of conspiratorial talk swirling around the Secret Service response at Trump's shooting. My own Occamist take is that maybe if you're an SS agent and get the Trump detail, your deeply held pride-in-work ethos might end up....corroded somewhat? You get slack coz you're soul weary and sickened?
You can die of sepsis from a wound to the ear, right?
So the Ofsted Outstanding school we pulled our son out of last year has just instituted mandatory urine testing for drugs. Talk about dodging a bullet. Can still feel the wind of it on my cheek..
Feels good, turning in a finished MS. Wondering why the fuck I haven't been doing it more often.....🤔
I see the Balconning season has started. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with us Brits? Some kind of solar lunacy sets in as soon as we hit the Mediterranean, or what?
British tourist dies after falling 'head-first' from hotel balcony in Another Brit was also 'seriously injured' after falling from a balcony a few hours earlier.
"....and in the instant the bird heard the rustling and turned - it was too late!" This is Your Brain on Science Fiction.
Couple of chips off the old block. Not sure which I’ll revisit first….
And the new book is.........done!!!
Voted! Deathblow, motherfuckers!
What fresh hell is THIS........?
NGL - I'm not voting tomorrow with hope & joy for a new beginning, because that's provisional at best, permanently hamstrung at worst by the fallout from the last decade of delusional idiocy on the part of my countrymen. I'm voting with hate in my heart. I'm voting to send those motherfuckers down.
Traffic chaos, Norfolk style -
Somewhere high in the Himalayas, or possibly hidden in mists at the heart of Antarctica, is the Nation of Bounteous Grace & Harmony that proves by living example & comparison how awful, evil & intolerably steeped in guilt any given western liberal democracy is. Packing for the airship transit now.
Ohhhhh, Meshing & Ambiguous Character Motivations, how much do I love thee? Let me count the ways......
What is your favourite black and white movie?
What is your favorite black and white movie?
"Have you got a ginger minge, Miss?" Year 8 student to a colleague of a friend of ours in teaching. By far the politest comment she told us about. The rest was fuck you & fuck off & torrents of casual racist/xenophobic/misogynistic abuse to teachers who are visibly or audibly Not From Here. 1/2
I am totally stealing that for my next book.
This Banyan tree in Hong Kong captured in the photo by Alex Hofford, shows a peculiar roots growth, apparently accommodating to the floor tiling grid.
Typhoid and Hep A jabs, closely followed by Krav training. Stabbed in the skull with a (plastic) knife because I was slow, but apart from that, no noticeable ill effects. Feeling quite smug and hardboiled about that.....
Something very soothing about the messaging in doctor’s waiting rooms - a kindly, homespun feeling of community and care. The sense of what a society can and should be. Fuck the privatisers. 👊
Always surprises me you don't see more love and exposure for John Brunner these days. I mean, more than any of us, he called it. And before most of us too.
Aaaaargh...... Hate when an epilogue gets so lengthy you have to turn it into a coda.......