QuestioningEspecialy 🍉

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QuestioningEspecialy 🍉

i got in 😐
Free Palestine
he/him ACAB transfem
>The “gift” bestowed upon Italians and the Irish isn’t happening for us. So, you can discriminate against Black people and Afro-Latinos all you want. It won’t make you white. It just makes you a racist [POC]. A Brown Clayton Bigsby. A fool. —Xochitl Gonzalez, Enough With Latino Anti-Blackness (2022)
4 #horror #movies to know me, #2020s edition ain't seen much lately, but these still work for the most part: #TheTurning (2020), #NOPE (2022), #TheInvitation (2022), #TheBlackening (2022)
4 horror movies to know me, 2020s edition
i present to you the second dark-skinned character in #SoloLeveling (ch109) lines: a whole-ass conversation name: Mrs. Norma Selner reference: respectfully introduced, spoken to, and spoken of no offensiveness in depiction likelihood of bein' seen again: 90% 1st pass 🥳
i present to you the second dark-skinned character in #SoloLeveling (ch56) no lines no name no reference to dark-lips that i'm still not sure how i feel about tbh 🤔 likelihood of bein' seen again: 10% let's make this shit a game
i present to you the second character to have (stereotypically) thick-ass dark lips in #SoloLeveling (ch76) and he ain't even dark-skinned 🤷🏿‍♂️ no written lines possibly implied lines no name no reference to dark flappy-ass lips partted comically likelihood of bein' seen again: 2% seriously, why 😑
End of feed.