Corey Quinn

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Corey Quinn

Chief Cloud Economist at The Duckbill Group. he/him. Get my snarky take on AWS news:
Typical Amazon being bad at naming things; none of these plants in the Spheres tasted as advertised, and I’m no longer welcome there. 😡
In Seattle for a vacation with @quinnypiglet. Convincing her that if we go to the Space Needle that she’ll get a shot. She’s not quite buying it.
Ordered from this Irish restaurant called "McDonald's" and it's pretty apparent that their cuisine is still suffering from the potato famine.
It's extremely important that logs never be written to a plaintext file--instead, they should go to a special format that requires a custom binary to read because the systemd author hates everything about Unix.
Was gonna take a second cert tonight. These two screenshots are 30 minutes apart because @PearsonVUE is apparently the most dogshit vendor @awscloud could find to run their certification program. Someone owes me either a reschedule or a refund.
Took longer to check in for the AWS exam than it did to take it. I was particularly impressed by the no fewer than 3 factual errors in the test questions. Apparently the team cares even less about this exam than most of its takers.
"No standing, talking, drinking water, using your phone, taking notes, or using the toilet" says the AWS online certification requirements, as Amazon once again mistakes test-takers for their own employees.
Congratulations to the folks at the now $2.015T company.
Was reminded today that Bonzi Buddy was derided as spyware two decades ago for doing considerably less than the telemetry in virtually every modern application.
This is a wildly interesting ChatGPT feature. The prompt wasn't something where this would have been intuitively obvious.
Have both Siri and Alexa speaking with Australian voices to better indoctrinate my children into "zebra rhymes with Debra."
Have both Siri and Alexa speaking with Australian voices to better indoctrinate my children into "zebra rhymes with Deborah."
It's a brand new week. What're you working on?
Pop quiz: what do Henry Kissinger, Whoopi Goldberg, and Pope Francis all have in common?
As the spec allows, AWS has added five AWS-specific columns to their implementation of the FOCUS spec. I'm heartbroken that "spite" is not one of them.
AWS Compute Optimizer supports RDS sizing recommendations now. Too bad it's f*cking useless because RDS doesn't support savings plans and their RIs are the epitome of "inflexible." Means this is near-worthless for anything that's not on-demand.
Google: "You can now track sustainability in our cloud dashboards." Also Google: "You should query those dashboards via GenAI."
"Why did Azure get applause for supporting FOCUS and Google didn't?" Because people think Google's gonna turn it off in a week, plus they already shot their announcement at Next "in preview."
Google Cloud just released scenario modeling for committed use. There’s zero reason AWS couldn’t and shouldn’t have had this years ago.
Just now: @mike_julian: “I’m staying in the Gaslamp district.” Me: “It’s the Gaslight district.” Mike: “…pretty sure it’s Gaslamp?” Me: “You’re wrong. It’s Gaslight.”
Gotta admit, I'm gobsmacked that @anthropic's (effective!) differentiator is increasingly "we have a functioning sense of ethics."
Baa baa black sheep have you any bullshit? Yes sir, yes sir, Repos *FULL* of it
"Margaritaville" is a far darker song when you think of it not in the context of "tropical setting" but instead "Jimmy Buffet's restaurant location in Cleveland."
Nobody recognizes me outside of a suit these days.
I've had about enough of being ineptly gaslit by my @awscloud account team.
Surely this will only be used by the finest of merchants, offering absolute top-shelf wares.
What’s clearer to you, A or B? Back to A… now B. Take your time. There’s no rush.
I assume that Likes got hidden because Elmo didn’t want to be shamed for liking his own tweets.
Wild to me that Amazon is inconveniencing customers to help train Google’s AI via reCAPTCHA.
Job posting: McDonalds spokesperson. Must be able to articulate simple concepts like an absolute douchebag. GED or equivalent required.