
I slept okay-ish... But definitely had nightmares and broken sleep. I feel rough. Alarms are working as intended. I'll be dressed and ready to go at 1:20pm so I can be in an Uber by 1:30pm. Dentist appointment is at 2pm and is 10 mins away. I am stressed as I don't handle dentistry well.
See if explaining your fears to the dentist and hygienist prompts them to give you any advice or tricks to mitigate your concerns. It might also prompt them to be more gentle if they can!
This is an emergency dental appointment due to pain and this is the dentist that has done work on my teeth before. He knows I don't do well with dentistry and after our last appointment which was LONG... I avoided dental care for a year so I want to ask him to split up the work more.
I want to discuss a cleaning but as he has a new hygienist that I haven't met I want to see if he can confirm that the hygienist is trauma informed & discuss how to make those appointments easier as well. Joys of dental and medical trauma. It's been a bad year and my teeth took the brunt of it.
I just hope I don't go into fawn mode and just get through it... X.x I think what's hard today is not knowing what we're doing so I can't prepare at all...
Oh I understand completely. My first dental appointment in 15 months is in August after I had treatment for oral cancer last year :< Best of luck!
I have a lot of medical trauma around chronic pain that doctors keep dismissing and dentists have always been very shamey (adhd + gerd + many meds that cause dry mouth -- all causes for teeth issues). It doesn't help that ODSP only covers fillings, root canals, teeth pulls and annual cleanings. X.x
Yeah I'm sorry, though the new dental stuff the NDP pushed through parliament, will that help at all?