
No, I think this has been present in the USA all along. it's the legacy of our earliest history.... but we can get beyond that by confronting it. I'm just finding it difficult to think of ways to fight today
Yeah. The USA has always been about fucking over whoever possible for the sake of ambition and the next shiny object. *stares Indigenously*
That's exactly who I was thinking of, well and of course Black Americans. This country is soaked in so much innocent blood.
You do realize most Black folk have Native kin too right? It's hard not to.
I am ashamed that I didn't realize that until you said it, although now of course I feel ridiculous for not having thought it through.
Let me rephrase that, I know that a lot of Black people also have Indigenous ancestry in the USA (and elsewhere) but until you said "it's difficult not to" I hadn't considered that aspect
My great grandma had two choices: stay on the rez, risk her kids being taken or take her Black ass husband and leave. She chose the latter. This is normal. Dad's side has Native too we just dunno which kind someone lost the family bible. It's VERY common. I would argue the antiblackness in our