
On the one hand: god, I’m so tired of the NYT writing about college students above all others re: Israel/Palestine. And yet - this article has some surprisingly nuanced examples? And a conclusion that I full agree with?
On Campus, a New Social Litmus Test: Zionist or Not? Some Jewish students say they’ve been dropped by old roommates and sorority sisters and ostracized from campus clubs and teams because of their views — which are sometimes assumed.
Because I am a religiously observant Jew who is not a Zionist, and it’s important to me that I continue to spend time in spaces where we can investigate the middle ground and find shared understanding. I’m terrified of losing that entirely.
Well maybe the genocide supporters should cede the middle ground
i agree re nuanced examples (and thank you for gift link!) but i feel like the ideological exclusivity is a lot more rigid on the zionist side; anti-zionism as expressed in the article is almost entirely a response to the latest brutality against palestinians, while hillel’s policy existed pre-10/7
Thanks for this article. I feel for these Jewish students trying to make their way in the world now. Extremism in all its forms creates suffering.